Fear. Sadness. Loss.
Anger. Resentment.
These are just some of the negative
emotions that a person may be
feeling when he or she is faced with
the prospect of a divorce.
Cook & Associates
Experience, Honesty and Results
Divorce | Custody | Support
Alimony | Division of Assets/ Debts
Cook & Associates
106 Arcadia Court
9380 McKnight Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
(across McKnight from the Outback)
(412) 366-8980
Amanda C. Cook
Given these emotions, it is easy for anyone to use the process
of divorce to try to get one up on the other party or even to
try to hurt their former partner. People in these circumstances
often are so blinded by the negative thoughts that they seek
unworkable outcomes. For example, a husband may insist on
keeping the marital residence even though he knows he cannot
afford to keep the house, just so that his wife cannot stay. Or a
wife may seek sole physical custody of the parties’ children even
though her husband is a capable and willing father. In the end,
the couple fights it out in court, they each pay high attorney’s
fees, the family unit is damaged, the children are traumatized
and no one wins.
But, if parties are able to set these negative emotions aside
and work reasonably together, everyone (except for the
attorneys) will be better off for it.
Whether a divorce requires the division of the assets and
debts of the marriage, the custody of the children, child support
and/or alimony or spousal support, you can better control your
outcome and save a significant amount of money if you keep
these claims out of court. Most importantly, you will do far less
damage to the relationship going forward. This is particularly
important if there are children. Let’s face it; if you have kids, you
are not getting rid of one another. And imagine trying to co‑
parent effectively while you are preparing to testify against your
spouse in court. That is not very helpful.
And, if you go through court, you are in far less control of the
outcome. Nobody likes the prospect of a complete stranger
making decisions about your money, your children or the assets
and debts that you have accumulated over your married life
If the parties can set aside the differences which got them
to this place, focus on shared goals and try to be fair to one
another, it might be a stretch to say that everyone wins. But, you
will undoubtedly be in a better place.
This Industry Insight was written by attorney Amanda C. Cook. Ms. Cook is a Senior Associate at Cook & Associates located in McCandless Township. For over a decade, she has
provided her clients with compassionate representation during the often‑difficult divorce, support and custody processes. Ms. Cook is also a certified mediator. Other areas of
practice for Cook & Associates include estate planning and probate, real estate law and business law. For a free initial consultation, please call Ms. Cook today at 412.366.8980 or
visit the website at