Live streaming enables students to have face-to-face contact
with students, teachers, community leaders and industry
experts like never before. Visualization is a proven tool for
success, as teachers on the other end are able to demonstrate
lessons instead of simply lecturing. This is exceedingly helpful in
the matter of virtual learning. Instead of teachers working through
chat, they have the opportunity to talk directly to their students, allowing for a more
personalized experience for online learning.
The idea of community schools was born with the thought of a school becoming
the center of a community, instead of just a place located within it. A community
school is built on partnerships between schools and other community resources and
focuses on academics, social services, and youth and community development with
the goal of being a hub for students, teachers, parents and community leaders to come
together to provide support and opportunities to one another.
• Engaging Instruction – Community schools provide real-
world learning and problem solving opportunities for
students both within and outside of the classroom.
Instruction goes beyond the teachers, encouraging
students to engage with community leaders, local
businesses and other public organizations.
• Expanded Learning Opportunities –
Community schools, which are typically open
24/7/365, offer and encourage students to
pursue both academic and non-academic
success by enhanced opportunities to learn
and grow.
• College, Career and Citizenship – Whether this
is readiness for college, technical school, or simply
to enter the workforce, community schools focus on
ensuring that students are comfortable and confident
after graduation to become engaged members of society.
• Health and Social Support – A strong community starts
with healthy members. Ensuring mental and physical well-being is a
high priority in community schools.
• Community Engagement – Community schools
are run by a collective number of teachers, community
organizations and other stakeholders that monitor and grow
the well-being of the entire community.
• Early Childhood Development – Community schools
focus on ensuring that high-quality early learners enter
school with confidence and readiness to learn.
• Family Engagement – Community
schools offer critical support for family growth and
development through activities to increase family
• Youth Development Activities – Students are given the
opportunity to engage in hobbies outside of the classroom for
the chance to find out what makes them excited to learn.
Teachers are tasked every day with correcting spelling tests, entering grades, writing
lesson plans, and now with integrating technology along the way. They would be
doing their students a disservice if they choose to ignore the fact that technology has
become woven into our daily lives, but they are taking cautious steps to ensure that
they are using and teaching technology in a beneficial way. Doing so provides students
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Personalized learning adapts a
structured educational environment
into a malleable approach to
learning and teaching. Each learning
style is different, and there is not
one approach to teaching that fits them all.
Personalized learning provides students
with attainable success in the classroom by
allowing teachers to understand the strengths
and weaknesses of each individual student
and adapt lesson plans to allow students to
work at their own pace.
Building Student Profiles: Personalized
learning pulls from the strengths and
weaknesses of individual students and tailors
lessons to improve learning outcomes.
Teachers are able to utilize these pathways
to learning to guide their students to
Digital Approach to Personalized
Learning: Utilizing data from
digital coursework provides
an even stronger approach to
personalized learning through
analytics. These analytics monitor
a student’s performance and can
predict future patterns for learning,
giving teachers the tools necessary to
prepare an appropriate curriculum for
their students.
Teacher Adaptation: Teachers develop a
new approach to instructing their students
when adopting personalized learning. In a
typical classroom, there are students who
are ahead of the curve and students behind
the curve, with very few considered to be on
the curve. A teacher typically aims to teach
on the curve, with students on either end
falling short of their learning capabilities.
Personalized learning gives faculty the ability
to spend more time tailoring their approach
on an individual level.
Use Case: A high school in San Diego is
currently implementing the personalized
learning approach in classrooms after
receiving a $10 million grant aimed at
making high schools more personal. The
effort launched two years ago with a small
group of students. After seeing firsthand
the academic success of these students, the
school decided to take the approach school-
wide by introducing one grade level every
year, starting with the freshmen of 2017.