Career Training Academy is Meeting the Demand for Today ’ s Jobs with Training for a Lifetime .
Pittsburgh Needs
Healthcare Workers
Career Training Academy is Meeting the Demand for Today ’ s Jobs with Training for a Lifetime .
Pittsburgh Needs
Founded in 1972 right here in among the best hospitals and healthcare facilities in the world , Career Training Academy began offering training designed to help students achieve professional advancement within the region ' s medical fields . Supporting Pittsburgh as a top-tier destination for world-class
Healthcare Workers healthcare requires trained professionals of every type . Our jobs are filled by talented , dedicated people who converge in Pittsburgh from all over the world and from right here in our own neighborhoods . We are proud of the graduates we ' ve introduced into the healthcare system over the past 44 years - medical assistants with administrative and clinical skills necessary to be job-ready from day one .
Founded in 1972 right here in Pittsburgh among the best hospitals
Despite our region ’ s leading role in the nation ’ s healthcare system , and healthcare facilities in the world , Pittsburgh Career Training faces Academy a serious began
problem .
offering training designed to help students achieve professional
There are simply not enough advancement within the region ' s medical fields . qualified healthcare workers to fill the projected demand .
Supporting Pittsburgh as a top-tier destination for world-class
Industry demand for healthcare healthcare requires trained professionals of every type . Our jobs are talent is being shaped by an aging filled by talented , dedicated people who population converge . Employers in Pittsburgh face from the
dual challenge of replacing older all over the world and from right here in our own neighborhoods . workers in the workforce as well
We are proud of the graduates we ' ve as introduced increasing into workers the healthcare to for an aging population .
In fact , healthcare occupations are projected to grow nearly twice as fast as the job market overall during the next ten years . Together , we can help . Over the years , Career Training Academy has expanded to meet employment demands for Dental Assisting , Massage Therapy , Medical Assisting and Medical Billing and Coding fields . Most recently , we ’ ve added a new program for Phlebotomy Technicians . Career Training Academy continuously evaluates ways to improve its student learning environments , and as we ' ve grown our campus in Monroeville , we ’ ve opened new campuses in Lower Burrell and North Hills ( West View ) with greater access to parking , transportation ,
In fact , healthcare occupations are projected to grow nearly twice as
part-time jobs and a more robust surrounding community for our fast students as the and job employees market overall . during the next ten years .
Our faculty and professional staff build partnerships of every type
Together , we can help . through which we can engage students in real-world scenarios and interact with organizations for the mutual benefit of our students and
Over the years , Career Training Academy has expanded to meet our partners . employment demands for Dental Assisting , Massage Therapy , Medical
As the region and the U . S . prepares to meet this growing demand with
Assisting trained middle-skilled and Medical professionals Billing and Coding , Career fields Training . Most Academy recently , we is ’ ve
leading the charge with a vital role in preparing America ' s workforce added a new program for Phlebotomy Technicians . to rise to the challenge .
Career Training Academy is Meeting the Demand for Today ’ s Jobs with Training for a Lifetime .
At Career Training Academy , we ’ re ready to make a difference . student
The only
learning question
environments remaining
, and is : as
we you
' ve grown ready
our to work
? in
When the answer is yes – contact Tina Clark – 412-367-4000 system over the past 44 years - medical assistants with administrative Monroeville , we ’ ve opened new campuses in Lower Burrell and North and clinical skills necessary to be job-ready from day one .
Hills ( West View ) with greater access to parking , transportation ,
Despite our region ’ s leading role in the nation ’ s healthcare system , part-time jobs and a more robust surrounding community for our Medical Assistant • Massage Pittsburgh Therapy faces a serious • Medical students Coding and employees & Billing . • Phlebotomy Technician
problem . There are simply not enough
412.367.4000 careerta . edu
qualified healthcare workers to fill interact with organizations for the mutual benefit of our students and the projected demand .
Industry demand for healthcare talent is being shaped by an aging population . Employers face the dual challenge of replacing older workers in the workforce as well as increasing workers to care for
Career Training Academy continuously evaluates ways to improve its
Our faculty and professional staff build partnerships of every type through which we can engage students in real-world scenarios and
our partners .
As the region and the U . S . prepares to meet this growing demand with trained middle-skilled professionals , Career Training Academy is leading the charge with a vital role in preparing America ' s workforce to rise to the challenge .
Pittsburgh Campus ( North Hills ) 1014 West View Park Drive , Pittsburgh , PA 15229
* Enrollment duration is dependent on program selection and uninterrupted attendance . Programs vary by location . See Admissions for details . Financial aid is available to those that qualify . Tours and personal career counseling available . Career Training Academy is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges ( ACCSC ) and licensed by the State Board of Private Licensed Schools and the Pennsylvania Department of Education . Find important consumer information at : careerta . edu / disclosures . © 2016 Career Training Academy . 051 7 / 2016
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At Career Training Academy , we ’ re ready to make a difference .