IN Ross Township Fall 2016 | Page 19




“ Hearing – Why Does it Matter SO Much ?” Our True Connection : By Swift Audiology Founder Debra Swift

If you were fortunate to have a grandmother like mine , YOU were truly blessed ! As a child I couldn ’ t wait to spend the weekend at my grandparents ’ house . There were simple things like cocoa with melting marshmallows to dunk my toast , a cantaloupe filled with vanilla ice cream , or the best homemade raisin-filled cookies in the world .

But also Gram would always defend me , no matter what ; and above ALL ELSE , made me feel like the most special person in the world until she passed at 91 years of age . She was the strongest woman I have ever known .
Spiritually , emotionally and physically like many people in her era , she worked so hard , both inside and outside of the home . She would bake and cook for her church to earn money for a new addition to the building , to the point of filling a SUV with the back seat down , loading it full of food .
THE POINT OF THIS STORY IS : No matter what she did for others , nothing else mattered more than the time she spent talking with us , sharing her heart and wisdom .
“ Que Sera Sera ” Gram would say when faced with hard times . “ Stress , what do they mean , stress ?” She had to care for my grandfather who had severe gout , a tracheotomy , and was on oxygen for a very long time . She never complained about it , and was always our “ rock .“
When I was going through difficult times , I traveled almost every weekend to be with my grandmother . She never judged , always listened and , of course , was in my corner . It was the talking , the communication – heart-to-heart sharing ... this is why hearing those we love matters so much .
As a hearing healthcare provider , I kept my grandmother wearing hearing aids for over 25 years . She remained active , sharp and clear minded and could talk to me like my best friend . At the age of 90 my grandmother suffered a mini stroke that affected her hearing and central auditory processing . It immediately created a wall and barrier around her , and it was heartwrenching for me to see her frustration and inability to communicate . There was nothing I could do to help her !! She withdrew .
Never before in my career did I fully realize the impact of hearing in one ' s life . Never did I realize how our quality of life was so greatly impacted by the ability to communicate and to stay in touch with people and the world . Never did I think there would be such a wall between Gram and myself .
I had spent a lifetime studying and observing hearing loss through patients . I witnessed their improvements through wearing hearing devices , both cognitively and emotionally , through clinical verification , and in their stories . However , I did not experience the pain of hearing loss until it involved my dearest friend and myself .
I did experience the benefit of attaining good hearing through wearing hearing instruments and the value they provided in Gram ’ s life . The impact she had on my life and on the lives of my family was enormous for those 25 years . How sad it would have been if we missed out on those wonderful years . How thankful we all are for the gift of better hearing .
If you are a grandparent with grandchildren of any age , never underestimate the valuable role you play in their lives by communicating with them . Maintain your cognition by feeding your brain with all of the information it needs to stay sharp . A hearing evaluation by a qualified hearing healthcare professional will give you the information and guidance you need for help with your hearing . If the eyes are the window to the soul , then surely our ears are the doorway to our heart . THIS IS WHY OUR HEARING MATTERS SO MUCH ! Call Swift Audiology for more information or to schedule a complimentary comprehensive hearing evaluation at 888.927.1853 , or visit online at www . swiftaudiology . com .
“ This organization really cares about its people and its clients , they really do . Debbie always wants to know how it ' s coming along , what can we do , is there anything that is bothering you ? Those are very comforting questions for people who have hearing impairment .” Joe - satisfied patient of Swift Audiology

Special Offer


500 off

When you schedule your FREE hearing evaluation at Swift Audiology , you are eligible to receive $ 500 off a pair of Optimum , Preferred or Standard hearing aids .
Not good with prior purchases or additional discounts . Offer valid until August 31 , 2016 .
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