Dumping Near Streams May Contribute to Flooding
Periodically, storms of significant magnitude will occur in the
region that will cause isolated flooding in the Township. The
type of flooding typically observed involves basement and
garage flooding as well as yard/landscape damage. Following
investigation, Township Staff has noted that some flooding
problems are caused by debris in nearby streams that wash
down and block storm drains/pipes. The debris noted by
Township Staff has been everything from grass clippings,
building materials, vases/flower pots, tires, landscaping timbers,
cut branches, logs, and leaves. It is important to remember if you
live along a stream or adjacent to a stormwater management
facility to make sure both the channel and banks are clear and
not to use it as a dumping area for materials that will wash down
stream and cause problems for both you and your neighbors.
In addition, to reduce the risk of water damage, there are some
preventive measures that property owners can take by making
sure your property is graded so that water drains away from your
home and to make sure any existing yard drains are not blocked
by leaves and grass clippings.
Peters Township budgets approximately $300,000 annually
for storm sewer and stormwater management projects and is
committed to maintaining and upgrading the municipal, public
system. However, to reduce the incidents of flooding, private
property owners must do their part as well by keeping nearby
watercourses clear of debris.
J UN E / J ULY 2018