IN Peters Township June/July 2016 | Page 14

MANAGER’S MESSAGE A SPOTLIGHT ON OUR PE TE RS TOWN SH I P NE WS eters Township by Michael A. Silvestri, Township Manager In July two dedicated and longtime Peters Township Public Works Department employees will be retiring. Peter Overcashier, the Peters Township Public Works Director, joined the Township in 1978. At that time Peters Township had only 50 miles of road and 13,000 residents compared to the 110 miles and 23,000 residents it has today. Peter was instrumental in raising the standards of the Public Works Department’s performance and in the planning and construction of many of our facilities. When Peter was hired, we did not have the number of administrative employees or departments that we currently do, so in addition to roads, Peter assumed responsibility for parks and recreation, environmental concerns and building and grounds maintenance. When I became manager, I relied on Peter heavily and often referred to him as my “go-to” person when I needed something done and done right, regardless of the task. Peter was always low key and willing to take on any task, and provided a “lead by example approach” for the Public Works Department. The Township benefited greatly from his dedicated service and leadership and I owe much of my success as the Township Manager to his efforts. Peter’s service and commitment to our community cannot be overstated. He will be sorely missed. I wish Peter, and his wife Karen, much happiness in retirement. Diane Tutty joined the Peters Township staff in 1994 starting o ut as a secretary in the Police Department and then moving to the Public Works Department. Being a lifelong resident of Peters Township made her a valuable asset to both the Police Chief and Public Works Director. Being the only female in an all male department was a challenge, I am sure—but one she took on well. She was often out on weekends assisting in projects like Clean-Up Day, recycling and Community Day. She handled the day to day administrative efforts of the Public Works Department well. Peter and Diane made an incredible administrative team. Diane has had an uncanny way of always anticipating Peter’s requests. Diane has a great way of interacting with her fellow Public Works Department employees. It resulted in a mutual feeling of respect and concern between them. Peters Township Welcomes New Public Works Director In early July, Joseph Hursen will take over as the new Director of Public Works for Peters Township. Hursen graduated in 1982 from Central Catholic High School. He began his career with the Sign, Pictorial & Display Artist Union, local #479, District Council #57 and was elected as Financial Secretary Officer- a position which he held for more than ten years. Hursen also worked for the Allegheny County Department of Public Works for 21 years. During that time, he was promoted to manage the Traffic Division and eventually left the Allegheny County Department of Public Works to take on the position of Transportation Operations Manager with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). His responsibilities at VDOT encompassed a ten-county area, overseeing more than 15,000 miles of primary and secondary roadways, and he has worked with traffic and bridge engineers, inspectors and contractors on a variety of transportation projects. While in Virginia, he completed his graduate studies in Public Administration through the University of Virginia. “I am looking forward to working with the Peters Township staff and residents in continuing to promote safe and efficient roadways and parks systems,” says Hursen. 12 Peters Township Frank Arcuri has been a member of the Peters Township Council since 2006 and has lived in the township since 1996 with his wife Sheila and two children, Lauren and Frank, Jr. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Washington & Jefferson College, and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University’s School of Law. Arcuri is an attorney in private practice. “Running for public office afforded me the best opportunity to utilize my education and experience to give back to the community and to ensure that Peters Township remains one of the premier communities in which to live and raise a family,” says Arcuri. Some of his favorite spots in Peters Township include Peters Lake Park and the Arrowhead Trail. To contact Frank Arcuri, email Frank Kosir, Jr. is the newest member of the Peters Township Council, having joined in January of this year. He and his wife Christine have a daughter, Elizabeth, and are expecting their second daughter this June. Kosir has lived in Peters Township for 40 years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Political Science from Washington & Jefferson College and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University’s School of Law. He works as a real estate attorney at Meyer, Unkovic & Scott, LLP. “Some of my favorite things about Peters Township include the countless social and recreational opportunities available to all residents, in addition to our sense of community” says Kosir. “I decided to run for PT Council for the opportunity to serve the community in which I have lived my entire life.” To contact Frank Kosir, Jr., email