IN Peters Township February/March 2023 | Page 37




Is Weight Loss Surgery Right for Me ?

Written by Emily King


When you are trying to lose a significant amount of weight , it can feel like you are alone in your struggle . But in reality , over 40 % of Americans are considered obese ( a body mass index of 30 or higher ) and 1 in 20 are morbidly obese ( BMI of 40 or above ). Doctors believe that certain factors in modern life are contributing to higher rates of obesity , like more sedentary lifestyles and the prevalence of lower quality diets and calorie-dense convenience foods . Genetics can also be a factor . For many Americans , trying to achieve a healthy weight can feel like a losing game .

With the help of modern medicine , doctors are now able to help their patients lose a significant amount of weight and establish a healthier lifestyle with bariatric surgery . Bariatric surgery is a procedure that restricts the size of the stomach , allowing food to bypass much of the stomach and make the patient feel full much sooner , reducing hunger .
There are several surgery options . In gastric sleeve surgery , the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach and creates a sleeve shape . This restricts the amount of food that the stomach can hold , making the patient feel full sooner . In gastric bypass surgery , the surgeon closes off a large part of the stomach , creating a small pouch . The pouch is then attached to the small intestine , bypassing much of the stomach and the first part of the intestinal track . This procedure limits the amount of food the stomach can hold but also changes the digestive process , affecting absorption .
Because it is a serious surgery and requires a dramatic change in lifestyle , the approval process is thorough . To be considered for bariatric surgery , patients must meet certain criteria :
• At least 18 years old
• Morbidly obese with a BMI of 40 or above
• BMI of 35-40 with comorbidities , which include type 2 diabetes , hypertension , heart disease , sleep apnea and other respiratory diseases , non-alcoholic fatty liver disease , osteoarthritis , lipid abnormalities and gastrointestinal disorders
• Have tried to lose weight in the past through diet and exercise
• In good mental health and able to manage the psychological aspects of weight loss surgery
• Not drug or alcohol dependent
Your family doctor can refer you to a bariatric surgeon or you can schedule directly without a referral . Your doctor will evaluate you and help create a plan to obtain insurance approval . Your insurance plan may require obtaining clearances from specialists to ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery . This can include different types of testing and also a psychological evaluation .
If you and your doctor decide that bariatric surgery is right for you , it can be incredibly effective . Most patients lose more than 75 % of excess weight in as quickly as 12 months . Besides the benefit of weight loss , weight-related medical conditions such as high blood pressure , diabetes , heart diseases and others can resolve or drastically improve . Patients cite a greater quality of life after weight loss , with opportunities to enjoy activities that were previously limited by weight , like traveling , exercising and more .
Ready to speak with a Bariatric Surgeon ? Call the WHS Physician Referral Line at ( 724 ) 250 -4310 .