Spring Recycling Event
Material Options
Electronic Recycling is available once again!
The Township is pleased to offer another electronic recycling
drop-off program. Similar to the previously offered program,
participation is of no charge to residents.
Drop-off hours include Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays
from noon to 3 p.m. At least two Saturdays will also be
scheduled during the year- the next being Apr. 23 from
9 a.m. to noon.
Materials may be dropped off at the public works garage
located at the Bebout Rd. entrance to Peterswood Park.
Items that can be recycled include phones, answering
machines, monitors, televisions, computers, printers, keyboards,
modems, routers, scanners, stereos, CD players and recorders.
No appliances will be accepted. (i.e. microwaves, stoves,
refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, dryers, air conditioners,
dehumidifiers and humidifiers.)
• Automotive batteries, scrap metal and electronic items such
as televisions, computers and monitors – accepted free
of charge.
• Tires will be accepted at a charge of $3 each.
• Propane tanks from barbecue grills will be accepted at a
charge of $5 each.
Don’t have any use for that old
bicycle in your garage? Bring it
to Public Works! Volunteer cycle
enthusiasts will examine it, repair
it and see that it is donated to
someone less fortunate in need of a bicycle.
eters Township
Recycling of the fo llowing items will be available to
residents during Peters Township’s Great American Clean Up
Day on Saturday, Apr. 23 from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Public Works
Peters Township Senior
Citizens, age 65 or over are
eligible for a 10% discount
on garbage service. You can
receive a discount by simply
providing a photo ID that
includes your date of birth and
current address. You can stop
by the Municipal Building to
register or you can fax your photo ID to 724.942.5022.
In addition Senior Citizens age 65 or over, widows
or widowers age 50 or over and those totally disabled
with an annual income below $35,000 may be eligible
to receive an additional discount. To find out more or for
an application form, call the Peters Township Municipal
Office at 724.941.4180.
At their reorganization meeting held in January, the Council was
required to review all liens to determine renewal of liens needed and
what action should be taken. Under Township ordinance, all residences
are required to utilize and pay for the garbage service provided by the
Township. This has been the case since 1990 when the Township was
mandated to collect garbage and recyclables. Those not paying have
been liened after proper notice. There are a number of residents who
have continuously neglected to pay their bill, and therefore the rates of
those who do pay will soon be impacted. Council has authorized the
staff and our consultant Jordan Tax Service to begin action on liens,
meaning homes will be filed for sale with the Washington County
Sheriff’s office. The amount of fees owed exceeds the amount liened for
nonpayment of real estate taxes. Council has been reluctant to take this
approach, but other approaches have not been successful and it is not
fair to those who do pay their bills. The properties will be submitted for
Sheriff’s sale in order of the most delinquent. Twelve properties have
been filed at this time.
If you wish to avoid potential involvement, contact
Jordan Tax Service to make arrangements regarding back payment of fees.
Peters Township Council Members
Frank Arcuri
Vice Chairman
12 Peters Township
David M. Ball
James F.
Frank Kosir, Jr.
Robert Lewis
Monica R.
Gary J.
Stiegel, Jr.