A local golfer earned a 2016 Toyota RAV4
thanks to a hole-in-one at Milestone Centers’
Third Annual Golf Classic, Sept. 19 at
Edgewood Country Club.
Terry Doughty used a 5-Hybrid on hole
#12 to send the ball 168 yards to the hole and
put himself behind the wheel of a
new vehicle, courtesy of Spitzer Toyota.
Doughty was presented with the keys to his
new RAV4 Monday, Oct. 10, at Spitzer Toyota
in Monroeville.
“Spitzer has offered a RAV4 for a hole-inone since the inception of our golf outing,”
explained Maureen Haggarty, Milestone Chief
Officer of Development. “Milestone is thrilled
for Terry. This puts the icing on an already
successful event.”
The Milestone Golf Classic raised
$33,500 toward the purchase of a
wheelchair-accessible van that will transport
Milestone clients with intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
“The team at Spitzer Toyota is honored
to support the great efforts of Milestone by
sponsoring the hole-in-one contest at the
third annual Milestone Golf Classic,” said
Alison Spitzer, President of Spitzer Toyota.
“We congratulate Terry Doughty on winning
a brand-new RAV4 by making an incredible
hole-in-one! It was a joy to present him
with a new Toyota. We look forward to
continuing a successful partnership with
Milestone in the future.”
“I saw the ball go in, but I didn’t believe it
until the witnesses told me I had a hole-in6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Penn Hills
one,” said Doughty. “This is so exciting –
and the timing is perfect because I was about
to start shopping for a new car. This RAV4
is ideal.”
Improving lives in Allegheny County and
western Pennsylvania since 1969, Milestone
Centers is a nonprofit organization employing
475 and serving 2,300 adults through 26
programs for people with developmental and
behavioral health challenges. Services include
behavioral health therapies, residential
locations, outpatient therapy and multiple
rehabilitation services. Milestone has office
locations and service sites in Wilkinsburg,
Penn Hills, Monroeville, McKeesport,
Lawrenceville, Butler and Warren. For more
information, visit MilestonePA.org and
RECEIVES $175,000
Allegheny County Economic Development
has received a $175,000 grant from the
Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and
Rehabilitation Enhancement fund. The fund
is administered by the Pennsylvania Housing
Finance Agency. The grant will allow ACED
to provide accessibility modifications to
residents of the county who have permanent
physical disabilities with low to moderate
incomes. Working with its partner, ACTIONHousing, Inc., ACED expects to be able to
provide modifications for 19 households.
The United Way of Allegheny County
recently commissioned a study by ACTIONHousing, Inc. and Regional Housing
Legal Services that helped define this gap.
According to data from the U.S. Housing and
Urban Development and PHFA, there are
twice as many Allegheny County residents
with a disability than housing units to serve
them. Every accessible modification will
preserve a unit of affordable housing, allow
the resident of that unit to stay in a housing
situation that is safe and comfortable, and
prevent any further stress on an already
inadequate supply of affordable housing.
“We are thankful to PHFA for providing the
$175,000 in PHARE funds that will enable us
to work with our partner ACTION-Housing,
Inc.,” said ACED Director Bob Hurley.
“Together, we can help make homes for
Allegheny County residents with disabilities
safe and sound.”
Applicants for the program will need to
have a clinically or medically documented
disability, and all modifications will either be
directly related to a) that disability, or b) a
health and safety barrier that would inhibit a
medically necessary modification. ACTIONHousing will work with the participants to
create a scope of work that will ensure the
project is completed consistent with their
physical needs. The organization will also
provide initial and final inspections, and
oversee construction.
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance
Agency made its announcement on
October 13, approving $6.2 million for 40
housing projects to improve the availability
and affordability of housing in 29 counties.
This is the fifth year for the PHARE
program which has invested more than
$39 million into Pennsylvania communities,
in addition to nearly $255 million of other
leveraged funding.
For more information, or to apply for
the program, contact Andrew Shull at
The Allegheny County Health Department
(ACHD) reminds residents of the danger
of carbon monoxide poisoning as another
heating season begins.
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless
and tasteless gas that is the by-product of
incomplete combustion of a fuel. Hundreds
of people die each year nationwide from
accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, but