he Charles W. Trenz Funeral Home has been
and their families designed to highlight the benefits
a staple of the Penn Hills community since
available to veterans locally, as well as promote the
1967. And while a lot has changed in Penn
National Cemetery of the Alleghenies. Prepayment
Hills in that time, the dedication of the Trenz
options help families offset the cost of a funeral or
family to the community has not.
cremation over time, while locking in a price that’s
Charles W. Trenz, Supervisor
Today, Charles W. Trenz, Jr., the second generation
guaranteed not to go up.
of the Trenz family, continues the funeral home’s
“When a loved one passes away, those of us who
mission of providing detailed and compassionate service in Penn
remain typically have to make these decisions while dealing with
Hills. The family delivers compassionate, old-fashioned service, such
grief, shock and confusion,” Trenz said. “Preplanning and prepayment
as personally answering the business phones and visiting a family’s
alleviates a lot of that confusion or indecision by providing a roadmap
home when a loved one passes away, but they’ve also adapted to a
for your family to follow. It can also get questions out of the way ahead
modern world, giving families all the options they’ve come to expect
of time. People always ask if a cremation urn can be buried on top of
after a loved one passes away. From pre-planning directives that let
a casketed spouse or loved one. And, depending on the cemetery’s
you stipulate every detail of your funeral, to cremation services and
policy, the answer is usually yes. But those are the types of things it’s
organizing viewings that are as elaborate or as simple as you wish,
better to plan for than have to deal with in the moment.”
Charles W. Trenz Funeral Home can provide you with everything you
Within the Penn Hills community, the Trenz family not only attended
need to make your farewell a celebration of life.
Penn Hills School District, they stay connected by attending church
“We are shepherds for people in the time of their greatest need, so
locally and working with other Penn Hills organizations. Trenz and
we strive to accommodate them in any way possible to help reduce
his father have each served as president of the Kiwanis Club and the
the pain they’re feeling,” Trenz said. “That includes helping survivors
Chamber of Commerce.
get the benefits they’re entitled to.”
For more information on the Charles W. Trenz Funeral Home,
Charles W. Trenz Funeral Home helps survivors navigate the
including pre-planning questions, topics of interest to veterans such
paperwork and confusion of veterans benefits and Social Security
as flags, markers and benefits, Social Security benefits, and grief
issues. Trenz feels it is his responsibility to help families work through
support, go to www.trenzfuneralhome.com. You can also call anytime
at 412.242.5100. The funeral home is located at 11110 Frankstown Road.
the multiple decisions that need to be made when a family member
passes away. The funeral home has an annual program for veterans
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