From Warm Fried
Donuts and Manic
Milkshakes to
and ice cream
instantly created
using liquid
everything is made
on the spot,
with the customer
calling the shots.
different stations will be offered at a time each
chic tone, with wood floors handcrafted from
season—from Warm Fried Donuts and Manic
recycled wood pallets and a front counter space
Milkshakes to Wafflelicious Waffles-a-la-mode
that utilizes 100-year-old barn wood. Wood
and ice cream instantly created using liquid
tables and ladders from the turn of the century
nitrogen—everything is made on the spot, with
mix with silver and gold stands dripping with
the customer calling the shots.
crystals. We wanted the decor to match the vibe
“We decided to start with our Manic
of the neighborhood!”
Milkshakes, Wafflelicious Waffles-a-la-mode
While the sisters’ initial intention was to
and our famous Liquid Nitrogen Ice Creamery
solve their space issue, they found that the
stations this summer,” says Lewis-Smith. “We
new location also brought the boutique clients
plan to rotate our station offerings each season
from different areas around Pittsburgh. “There
with Warm Fried Pies and Donuts debuting
were definitely growing pains with splitting the
this fall.”
bakery into two locations,” Lewis-Smith recalls.
Visit Bella Christie & Lil’ Z’s Sweet Boutique
“We now have a dedicated staff of people that
at 3511 Butler Street in Lawrenceville. “Be
make it their mission to keep things running
sure to bring your phones,” adds Le