IN Norwin Winter 2017 | Page 40

Site: JB’S Bright Beginnings (Formerly Scull Elementary School), 780 Brush Hill Road, North Huntingdon, PA 15642 6:30pm-9pm Arrive: 6:00 Indicate 1st & 2nd choice of dates to attend Reality Tour 2017 October __10 2018 November __14_ December _12_ February 13 March 13 April __10__ School District: __________________________ Name of School: ________________________________ I agree to allow my child/children _____________________________________ age/ages___________________ to participate in CANDLE, Inc.’s Reality Tour program & surveys. I understand the program is appropriate for children ages 10-18 and the child’s parent / legal guardian must be present. A.) I will accompany my child. Or B.) Name child’s legal guardian if attending:____________________ I have read the above and agree not to hold Norwin Lions Club, JB’s Bright Beginnings, CANDLE, Inc. or its affiliates liable for any claims, damages, demands, actions or lawsuits that could arise as a result of my participation or my minor child’s participation in Reality Tour. I am aware news cameras and/or reporters may be present. Some sections of Reality Tour are emotionally charged and I understand parental guidance is a must. Your signature on this form indicates you understand that the Reality Tour includes the following: (Circle to opt out) Peer Pressure X Emergency Room / Overdose S IGNATURE OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN Address: Phone # X E-mail City 3. 4. • Surveys X State D ATE Zip List all adults attending as well: 5. 6. NOTE : SCHOOL OR COURT REFERRALS MUST PHONE 724-679-6612 FIRST TO REGISTER AND ARRANGE PAYMENT. NO EXCEPTIONS! C HECK HERE IF CONFIRMATION OF ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED BY SCHOOL OR COURT ? R EGISTRATION = $5.00 ( EACH ADULT & EACH CHILD ) (N O CHARGE IF ON FREE OR REDUCED L UNCH . WRITE ‘ LUNCH ’) T OTAL PERSONS ATTENDING X $5.00 = $ Donation to support the Reality Tour = $ (Tax deductible) ______ Total amount enclosed = $ Make checks payable to: Norwin Reality Tour Mail to: Norwin Reality Tour c/o Darcy Leoni 1097 Nottingham Court North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Note: Your reservation date will be confirmed by an email one week prior to tour date. 38 Norwin Arrest / Prison P RINT NAME HERE Enter name, age & grade of youth. 1. 2. Funeral Scene Sponsored by Norwin Lions Club A s o u r f a c i l i t y i s n o t h a n d i c a p a c c e s s ib le , if needed we can refer you to the Greensburg Courthouse site. Please email [email protected] for further information. For more information phone: 412-956-0440 VISIT E-mail [email protected] Reality Tour is a national project of the nonprofit CANDLE, Inc.