IN Norwin Winter 2017 | Page 34


The Addams Family

Congratulations to the Norwin Theatre Company on a successful run of their fall musical , The Addams Family . The production consisted of more than 72 students in the cast and crew . The show ran for four days at the end of October , which was the perfect time of the year for this glitzy-gloomy musical . Ms . Lauren Scheirer was the Co- Director / Producer along with Ms . Erin Shrader Co-Director / Choreographer . This year the students were lucky to have a Special Guest Director , Mr . Ryan Jacob Wood . Ryan performed in the national tours of The Addams Family as Lurch . The Technical Director was Mr . Todd Leighty , who worked many hours with the crew on the amazingly creepy sets .
This is a very special year for the Norwin Theatre Company . This season marks 25 years of Musical Theater at Norwin High School . The Norwin Theatre Company has been performing classical and new age musicals since 1993 . Please come and enjoy their spring musical , Thoroughly Modern Millie , running March 22-25 , 2018 .
L-R : Kaitlyn Kersting , Stephen M . Taylor , Sam Cholodofsky , Lauren Leoni , James Stanley , Andy Stanley , Tessa Repicky , Emily Dodaro , James Taylor , and Anthony Orsino .
Norwin Alum Donates Children ’ s Books to Rotary Backpack Project


Ms . Victoria Piekut , a member of the Norwin Class of 2014 , has donated dozens of children ’ s books to benefit a school backpack program as part of activities associated with her victory at a state pageant .
Ms . Piekut won the 2017 National American Miss Pennsylvania title and will be competing in Anaheim , California at the national pageant in November . The state-level pageant required the hundreds of contestants to bring charitable donations , such as books or school supplies , to emphasize the importance of community service .
For the second time , Ms . Piekut chose the Norwin Backpack Project as her beneficiary . In 2014 , she made a similar donation of children ’ s books after being crowned Miss Pennsylvania Teen at the 2014 National American Miss pageant .
Each Friday , pre-designated students at Sheridan Terrace Elementary School have been able to grab a backpack stuffed with nonperishable foods to eat throughout the weekend , as well as age-appropriate children ’ s books to read . It is run by the Norwin Rotary Club . A similar program run by the Norwin Lions Club benefits Hahntown Elementary , Stewartsville Elementary , Sunset Valley Elementary , and Hillcrest Intermediate . A possible expansion of the program to the Middle and High School is being explored .
Mr . Tim Kotch , Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education , assists with the delivery of the backpacks from Rotary to Sheridan Terrace Elementary School . He also participates on the Rotary Club ’ s team for the Norwin Lions “ Cubcake ” Wars fund-raiser for the backpack program . For his commitment to the program , among other reasons , the Norwin Rotary Club named Mr . Kotch the Paul Harris Fellow and Rotarian of the Year .
Norwin School District salutes Ms . Piekut and all involved in the backpack program for their commitment to children and youth .
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L-R : Mr . Tim Kotch , Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education and Member of Norwin Rotary ; Mr . Jason Csukas , Rotary Backpack Project Coordinator / Community Service Chair ; Ms . Victoria Piekut , 2017 National America Miss Pennsylvania ; Ms . Brenda Kacvinsky , Rotary membership chair and past president ; and Mr . Don Morrison , Rotary Club president .