Volunteers are found at the heart of all
activities. Without the able dedication of
volunteers, the center would not be able
to provide pleasure and enjoyment to the
many residents who attend the programs
and activities. For more information on
volunteering, visit the website.
Meals on Wheels, East
Allegheny County Suburbs
and Westmoreland County
Contact: mealsonwheelsamerica.org
Put a smile on a senior’s face in your
neighborhood this winter! The Meals
on Wheels program is designed to help
individuals who are homebound or unable to
prepare their own nutritious meals regularly.
At the core of the Meals on Wheels service
is a nutritious meal, companionship and
a watchful eye on the health and safety of
our seniors. Get the whole family involved
by volunteering to deliver meals, help in
the kitchen, or by contributing a monetary
donation, in-kind products or services
useful to Meals on Wheels kitchens. Visit
the website for more locations in the east
suburbs and Westmoreland County.
Open Your Heart to a Senior
Heart to a Senior is a volunteer initiative
sponsored by the United Way of Allegheny
County that matches volunteer caregivers
with older adults in the area to provide
non‑medical assistance, helping them
remain safe and independent in their own
homes. There are opportunities to help in
the east suburbs. Visit the website for more
information on this and other volunteer
Senior Centers in the East
Suburbs and Westmoreland
Addresses: East Suburb Locations: Braddock Hills,
Oakmont, Penn Hills, Plum, Swissvale and
Verona. Visit the website for the exact addresses.
Westmoreland Center for Active Adults/Satellite
Center Locations: Check the website for
Contact: alleghenycounty.us/Human-Services/
Programs-Services/Older-Adults/SeniorCenters.aspx or co.westmoreland.pa.us
Would you like to volunteer to help out at
a holiday party, play games, or lead a dance
class? The volunteer opportunities at the
above Senior Center locations are endless
when it comes to enhancing a senior’s life.
Visit the websites for ways to get involved in
your community.
Contact: fswp.org/services/open-your-heart-seniorprogram, or 888.222.4200
A great winter charitable project for the
family, or a teenage youth group! Open Your
Continued on next page >
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