IN Norwin Summer 2019 | Page 40

Taylor, Marissa and Jessica at Special Olympics 50th Anniversary of WESTMORELAND COUNTY SPECIAL OLYMPICS AT NORWIN HIGH SCHOOL T he 50th Anniversary of Westmoreland County Special Olympics was celebrated at Norwin High School on May 4, 2019. Mr. Milt Claney was honored at the event for starting Special Olympics in Westmoreland County, along with several others who were instrumental through the years. More than 175 athletes competed in track and field events. When not competing, the athletes and their families enjoyed other activities at the Olympic Village including a dance booth, dunk tank, soccer, Kerber’s ice cream, face painting, photo booth and more. The event was made possible through the hard work and efforts of the Westmoreland County Special Olympic Directors, Anthony Monstrola and Gwen Diddle, their staff, and help from area businesses, community volunteers, Westmoreland County School District coaches, Excela Health trainers, the North Huntingdon Police Department, as well as Norwin coaches, teachers and student buddies. Peer Buddies have fun at Special Olympics Students, Therapists, Educators and Parents United in Prevention T his county-wide initiative is now involving students, including Norwin School District student representatives Bailey Jones, Austin Kellar, and Brandon Taylor, who are pictured at right attending a recent planning meeting with Dr. William Kerr, Superintendent of Schools; Mrs. Lisa Banasick, Associate Director of Special Education and Student Services; and Mrs. Rachel Butler-Pardi, School Social Worker. This newly formed organization seeks to improve student safety and mental wellness. STEP UP stands for Students, Therapists, Educators and Parents United in Prevention. 38 NORWIN