The Norwin Public Library
Board of Directors and Staff
would like to thank the Norwin
community for making us the
highest circulating library in
Westmoreland County while
having only half the population
of the biggest districts.
uring the past year, the library
circulated over 160,000 books,
movies, and music CDs. That
amounts to over $2 million
in savings to the community
without even considering the amount saved
by patrons utilizing our public computers
and free Wi-Fi. One husband and wife have
achieved lifetime savings of over $50,000
alone. Stop in to find out your savings!
We average almost 300 visitors every day.
Many are here to borrow our items, but there
are also many
who engage
in tutoring
attend book
clubs, and take
of our programs for adults and children alike.
Yoga sessions, creating craft gifts for the
holidays, trivia nights, and local and national
history presentations are all ways to meet new
friends and learn new things.
We hope you’ll consider attending one
of our adult programs this summer, but
remember it’s never too late to
sign up your child for our Summer
Reading Program for 2019. This
summer’s theme is “A Universe of
Stories” and focuses on space and
the universe.
Strange Aspects of the Elusive
Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 pm
Stan Gordon began investigating reports
of Bigfoot sightings in Pennsylvania in the
late 1960’s. Sightings
of Bigfoot continue
to take place yearly in
Pennsylvania and across
the country. You will
hear about some of
the strangest cases and the latest Bigfoot
encounters around the area.
Astronomy for All
Saturday, July 6 at 10:00 am
2019 is the 50th Anniversary of the moon
landing. Astrophysicist Kevin Manning will
be talking about the universe from the very
small to the very large.
Fort Ligonier Program
Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30 pm
Fort Ligonier will be visiting us for their
program, the French and Indian War 101.
Trivia Night
Monday, July 22 at 6:30 pm
Do you think you have what it takes
to answer 50 general knowledge trivia
questions? Teams will be made up of 4-5
people. You can make up
your own team or we’ll place
you in a team.
An Evening with
Mark Twain
Tuesday, August 20 at
6:00 pm
Mark Twain is coming by
to talk about his boyhood
memories, the newspaper
publishing business, life on the Mississippi
and frogs. Mostly, though, he likes to talk
about the river.
Presented by Charles Kiernan.
A Story Time From Space
Tuesday, July 9 at 6:30 pm.
Let’s watch a STORY TIME FROM
SPACE, with real astronauts on
board the International Space Station! All ages.
Make your own Planet Mobile!
Wednesday, July 10 at 6:30 pm.
Ages 5 and up.
Interstellar Cinderella - A Fairy Tale
From Space!
Thursday, July 11 at 11 am and 1 pm.
Stage Right! Performing Arts & Theater
Homer, the Homing Pigeon
Saturday, July 13 at 11 am.
Be warned: Homer is a live bird and may
take flight. All ages.
The Nuts in Outer Space
Monday, July 15 at 6:30 pm.
Stage Right! Performing Arts & Theater
production. All ages.
Mad Science
Thursday, July 18 at 11 am and 1 pm.
Explore space as we travel to the outer
reaches of our solar system! All ages.
Mission To Mars: A Habitat Transplant
Thursday, July 25 at 11 am and 1 pm.
What if one of our local animals were
transplanted to Mars? The Animal Rescue
League will explore what would they need to
thrive? All ages.
All programs are free but many require
registration. Please contact the library at
724-863-4700 x 3 to register
100 Caruthers Lane, Irwin PA • • 724-863-4700