IN Norwin Spring 2014 | Page 34

STEM Summer Camps K-8 Scholarships Available or win N OR WI N SC HO OL D IS TRI C T NE WS The Norwin School District campus will be humming with learning experiences this summer, as 19 educational camps will be offered to excite students of all ages about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Mrs. Natalie McCracken, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, said the camp schedule was designed to include high-quality STEM opportunities for all students, K-12. “We staggered the camps throughout June and July so students would be able to participate in multiple camps appropriate for their grade level if they are interested in doing so. We are so pleased to be able to offer triple the number of camps as we have in previous years, all which have been created and will be taught by our District professional staff.” Camps will be available first to District students but may be filled by non-resident students if openings are available. The Norwin Council of PTA’s will provide summer camp scholarships for qualifying students in all elementary buildings, Hillcrest Intermediate and Norwin Middle School to enable students to attend the Norwin School District summer camps. Scholarships will be awarded based on camp availability, financial need, and the student Input statement. More information is available on the District Web site at High School Musical, Anything Goes, March 20-23 32 Norwin Camp Name Grade Level(s) Dates Entering Camp Invention 1 - 6 June 16 - 20 Earth Science 1 - 2 June 23 - 26 I t’s Never Too Early for STEM! K - 1 June 2 - 5 F airy Tales and Engineering 2 - 3 July 14 - 17 Little Bits 3 - 6 June 9 - 12 B eginning Engineering Ideas for Young Knights 3 - 5 July 7 - 10 A dvanced Engineering Ideas for Young Knights 4 - 6 July 21 - 24 Lego WeDo Introduction to Robotics 4 - 5 June 2 - 5 Baseball Math 4 - 5 June 23 - 26 App Creation 4 - 8 June 9 - 12 Game Design 4 - 8 July 14 - 17 STEMettes 5 - 8 June 2 - 5 Lego EV3 5 - 7 July 7 - 10 B eginning Lego Mindstorms 6 - 8 June 23 - 27 A dvanced Lego Mindstorms 6 - 8 July 21 - 25 Science of Crime 9 - 12 July 14 - 17 STEMFest 9 - 12 July 14 - 17 A.L.I.C.E. 9 - 12 June 9 - 12 Scuba Diving 9 - 12 June 16 - 20 The Norwin Theatre Club will present its spring musical, Anything Goes, at these dates and times: Thursday, March 20, 2014 @7:30 p.m. Friday, March 21, 2014 @7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22, 2014 @7:30 p.m.