IN Norwin Spring 2014 | Page 31

The public is invited to the first-ever Norwin Community Wellness & Nutrition Expo, a free event to be held Saturday, April 5, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Norwin High School cafeteria, gymnasium, and auditorium. The Norwin School District Wellness & Nutrition Committee is hosting this event to provide community members with educational resources and services so that they may lead healthier and happier lives. “This event is about the community helping the community,” said Ms. Doreen Harris, who chairs the District’s Wellness & Nutrition Committee and also serves as Stewartsville Elementary School Principal. “It’s about taking all the Wellness & Nutrition resources that are available in the greater Norwin community, and bringing them together under one roof so that we can all become more health-wise and improve our lives.” Ms. Harris said that reaching out to the community is a major goal of the District’s Wellness & Nutrition Committee. Therefore, committee members see this Expo as a way to raise awareness about the importance of leading a healthy life for everyone from children to senior citizens in the community. “We really wanted to look at the whole person, so we’re not only looking at physical health, but also mental and emotional health, combined together to make a happy, healthy person,” Ms. Harris said. A variety of free health services and screenings will be available to community members, along with informational tables with giveaways. There will be interactive exercise activities and demonstrations for all age levels. There will also be food service brokerage companies displaying new lines of healthier school food products that will be available for sampling. All attendees will receive a bag and a Chinese auction ticket, with additional tickets available for purchase. Participants who want to work up a sweat can join a 15-minute Pilates, yoga, or dance class. Those who wish to actively participate are asked to dress in proper exercise attire. For entertainment, the Norwin Show Choir will perform at noon. The Norwin Brass Quintet and Woodwind Ensembles will perform at 1 p.m. A “Kid’s Corner” will feature exercise activities and nutritional information for children of all ages. Parents and children will also interact with various health-conscious businesses from right here in the Norwin area, according to Mr. Drew Rutkowski, a Hahntown Elementary School teacher who is helping to coordinate children’s activities. Some exhibits that are being discussed as of press time for this publication include: Blood pressure screenings, trauma center facilities, robotics programs research, diabetes, sports medicine, karate, yoga, and Zumba. There are also plans to provide exciting giveaways from community businesses, which may include gym memberships, golf outing packages, and Chinese auction baskets. Ms. Harris would like to thank all Norwin employees, community businesses, and health care providers who have been a part of preparing for this event. “I cannot possibly name all the members of the Norwin School District community who have put time and effort into this, but without all of you, this event would not be possible.” Anyone with questions may call Ms. Doreen Harris at 724.861.3030 or email her at [email protected]. Wellness and Nutrition organizations that would like to participate are asked to please visit the Norwin School District Web site at to download a registration form and introductory materials. We hope to see you there! Offerings from Local Health Care Providers at Wellness & Nutrition Expo EXCELA HEALTH Well Being Center (complete wellness check-up / report card) Breast Care Center (vouchers for breast exam, Walk-In Wednesday) Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation (concussion information, agility testing) Cardiology (video, interactive gaming, pre-and post-testing) FORBES REGIONAL HOSPITAL Breast Care and Women’s Services Trauma / Emergency Department Heart and Stroke Ambulance and Life-Flight UPMC EAST Dietitian (information about risk assessment and body mass) Sports Medicine Urgent Care Norwin | Spring 2014 | 29 N OR WI N SC HOOL DI STRI C T N E WS This Free Event Will Be Saturday, April 5th at Norwin High School Nor win Norwin School District to Host Wellness & Nutrition Expo