IN Norwin Spring 2014 | Page 29

control allows students to command their robot and attempt challenging missions. Teachers were trained in September and students began working with the robots shortly therafter. Students use their problem-solving skills as well as the Engineering Design Process to solve the programming challenges. The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineering teams use to guide them as they solve problems. The Air Force JROTC program is coming to Norwin High School starting in August 2014. The four-year program is being offered to students as an alternative elective. It provides students with the opportunity to take courses in aerospace engineering and leadership development. Air Force JROTC is not a recruiting program and participating students are under no military obligations whatsoever. Major Scott Kolar, who teaches Air Force JROTC at Plum High School, said the program is growing there and he expects similar growth at Norwin. The program works because of the quality, experience, and dedication of the instructors, who end up becoming long-term role models and mentors to students. The military model of clear expectations, training, and accountability also produces self-discipline and achievement in students. “The success stories are endless,” 5