circumstances deserves to be celebrated on
his or her special day,” Yunn explains.
According to Yunn, there are more than
31,000 homeless children in Pennsylvania,
and an estimated 2,500 in Allegheny
County alone.
“We have partnerships with 10 local
shelters with whom we connect regularly,”
Yunn says. They provide names of children
who will celebrate birthdays while living
in the homeless facilities, which include
Sojourner House MOMS, East End
Cooperative Ministries, Family Promise
Southwestern PA, Bridges to Independence,
Center for Victims, Goodwill Heart
House, Women’s Center & Shelter of
Pittsburgh, Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center,
Womansplace East, Inc. and Auberle.
The parties, which Yunn and her group
of volunteers, known as cheerleaders,
coordinate, range in theme and have
included Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles, Safari, Mad Scientist,
Princess Diva and many,
many others.
“These parties, which
take place at the shelters,
celebrate children who have
a birthday in a particular
month. The guests are the
other children and families
residing in the shelter,” she says.
According to Yunn, the parents of the
children are frequently single moms who are
encouraged to attend the party. “It’s great
when they are present because children love
to see their mothers having fun too. We’re
not only celebrating birthdays, we’re helping
create family memories.”
Yunn says she and her group of
cheerleaders try to stay one month ahead
during planning, which includes managing
food, making treat bags, providing games,
crafts, presents and cupcakes. Of course,
more volunteers are always needed to help.
“Our volunteers are the heart of our
organization,” Yunn says. “We need help with
a number of roles, staffing the celebrations,
baking cupcakes, shopping for specific
birthday items, and donating treat bags.
“My favorite part of the job is seeing the
smiles on the children’s faces. The kids truly
look forward to the