t the Norwin Board of Education’s June 29, 2018
Regular Meeting, members approved a 2018-
2019 Final Budget that calls for $70,942,536 in
total expenditures to provide high-quality educational
programs and services for Norwin School District’s more
than 5,300 students in grades K-12. The Final Budget
reflects an increase of $2.3 million, or 3.2 percent, over last
school year’s budget.
In addition, members approved a 3.1 percent real estate
tax increase, which is the increase allowed under the Act 1
limit without exceptions. The increase equates to a 2.4-mill
increase in real estate taxes in Westmoreland County and a
0.32-mill increase in real estate taxes in Allegheny County
due to State Tax Equalization Board variations among
county assessment rates. The tax increase will cost an
estimated additional $52.50 for a property with a median
assessed value of $21,870 in Westmoreland County. One
mill of real estate taxes generates approximately $396,000
for the School District.
State retirement pension costs, tuition for charter
and cyber schools, and increased costs for special
education programs and services continue to impact
the District’s Education Budget significantly. The Board
and Administration are doing their best to limit the
impact on staffing and student programs by reallocating,
restructuring, and realigning resources under these
extenuating circumstances.
Increases in state subsidies for basic education have
been minimal and are less than adequate to meet normal
operating costs of the District. Revenue from local
sources is budgeted at $39.7 million; revenue from state
sources is projected to be $29.8 million; and revenue
from federal sources is budgeted at about $740,000.
Despite the funding challenges, Norwin School
District has made a commitment to hire many new
faculty and staff to provide quality educational
programs and services for students. (See New Staff
article on the next page.)
Within the approved Education Budget, instructional
costs are projected to be approximately $42.7 million;
support services, approximately $20.2 million; non-
instructional services (including student activities and
community services), approximately $2.1 million; and
other expenditures and financing (such as debt service
being paid for District facilities), approximately $6
Norwin School District’s tax rate for the 2018-2019
school year will be 80.0 mills in Westmoreland County.
This includes 1.2 mills, or approximately $482,000, that
the Norwin School District collects and remits to the
Norwin Public Library. This was the result of a Norwin
Library Association-generated referendum approved by
School District voters in 2000.
The Final Budget is available for public inspection
on the District’s Web site at under
“Departments” and “Business Office.”
From Left to Right: Mr. Michael
Choby, Norwin High School Principal;
Ms. Joyce Hohman, FNB Treasury
Management; Mr. Alan Bicker, FNB
Regional Banking Executive; Ms.
Heidi Stratton-Minor, FNB Circleville
Office Branch Manager; Dr. William
Kerr, Superintendent of Schools; Dr.
Jack Boylan, Norwin School District
Community Foundation President;
and Mr. Paul Puleo, FNB Senior Vice
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Generously Donates Funds to Norwin School
District through Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program
First National Bank recently donated $13,950 to support
a Maker Space at Norwin Middle School through the state’s
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program.
Norwin School District has repurposed existing classroom
space at Norwin Middle School to create a STEM Maker
Space where students can become creators, makers, and
innovators. Students collaboratively use various tools,
technologies and materials to innovate, invent, engineer
and creatively solve real-world problems using a hands-
on approach.
Norwin School District is grateful to First National
Bank for its continued support of Norwin educational