L.L. Bean Dog Hike
vertical feet in only .6 of a mile; hear the
volunteers cheering you on. Finally, smell
and taste the wonderful freshly made
pancakes and hot chocolate waiting at
the post-race party! Visit the website for
more information.
Harmony’s Silvester New Year’s
Eve Celebration
Date: Dec. 31
Address: Downtown Harmony
Contact: harmonymuseum.org, or
Harmony’s Silvester Celebration –
New Year’s Eve, German time! Harmony
celebrates New Year’s Eve on Dec.
31 with a family-oriented Silvester
celebration reflecting the community’s
historic German roots, beginning with
races involving hundreds of runners and
concluding with fireworks welcoming
2019 at 6 p.m. (midnight in Germany).
Visit the website for more information.
Date: Jan. 13
Time: 1 p.m.
Address: Middle Road Parking Lot,
Allison Park
Contact: llbean.com/llb/
shop/100.000.1727 (Pre-register for
this event.)
Treat your four-legged friend to an
adventure, make new friends, get some
exercise and enjoy the beautiful outdoors
on this easy-to-moderate hike. All dogs
must be on leash for this short hike
around the grounds. Visit the website for
more information on reservations and
other details.
Over The Log Nature Crafts –
Gifts for the Birds
Date: Dec. 20
Address: Latodami Nature Center,
303 Pearce Mill Road, Pine Township
Contact: sites.google.com/site/
latodaminaturecenter, or 724.935.2163
(Registration is required.)
It is getting colder so now is the time
to help out our feathered friends. Create
a beautiful feeder or a gift for someone
in your life to give to backyard birds. All
individuals attending the program must
be registered. A parent or guardian must
accompany their children. Dress well
for outdoor activity. Call to register and
check the website for more information.
Pens in the Park
Date: Jan. 5
Time: Noon to 4 p.m.
Address: North Park Ice Rink,
301 Pearce Mill Road, Pine Township
Contact: alleghenycounty.us,
pittsburghpenguinsfoundation.org, or
Regular rink admission applies; each
paid admission earns an entry to a
drawing for a pair of Penguins tickets!
Enjoy a day of hockey and family
fun. Through the Penguins
Foundation’s “Give Hockey a
Shot” program, kids can try
on hockey
Continued on next page >
weeney Law Offices, LLC
20581 Route 19, Suite 1
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066
No matter what
family law matter
you may face,
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724-742-2590 weeney Law Offices, LLC