Zombies of the Corn
Dates: Check the website for the
September and October dates.
Address: 282 Rochester Road, Freedom
Contact: zombiesofthecorn.com, or
Attention zombie fans!!! This Halloween
season, go on an adventure to hunt zombies
or walk through a zombie compound. Listen
to ghost stories around the campfire while
you roast a hot dog, or marshmallow, or get
your face painted zombie-style. Visit the
website for more information.
Savor the berry best local flavor
Adams Township Community Day
Date: Sept. 9
Address: Adams Township Community
Park, 698 Valencia Road, Mars
Contact: adamstwp.org, or 724.625.2221,
ext. 239
Celebrate what a great place Adams
Township is to live with family and friends
at Community Day! Enjoy kids’ activities
and games, food and vendor booths and
much, much more. Visit the website for more
Avon Club Annual Fall Festival
Drs. Gretchen and Tom Perkins specialize in the health and function of
your teeth and chewing muscles so you can enjoy all the juicy, sweet,
crunchy foods of the season – one bite at a time!
Wexford, PA
Date: Sept. 30
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Address: Church Avenue between
Dickson and Dalzell Ave. in Ben Avon
Contact: avonclub.benavon.org
The Avon Club is a club for women
who live or work in the Avonworth School
District and is a nonprofit organization that
raises money to benefit local Pittsburgh
charities, food banks, Meals on Wheels,
women’s shelters, etc. Every year this festival
is hosted to give back to the neighborhood.
This is not a fundraising event; it is meant to
kick-off the fall season and have neighbors
come out and have fun! There will be food, a
DJ, used book sale, chili cook-off, pie baking
contest, local artisans and crafters, kids’
games and more! Visit the website for more
Evans City Oktoberfest
Dates: Sept. 15-17
Address: Downtown Evans City
Contact: evanscity.us, or 724.538.8126
Enjoy this annual fall festival celebrated at
different locations in downtown Evans City.
Some of the many activities include art, craft
and food vendors, a parade, contests, a car
cruise and live music. Visit the website for
more information.
Continued on next page >
North Allegheny | Fall 2017 | icmags.com 23