Provides Exciting
Educational Features
For All Learners
uring the three and a half years that went into planning the
renovation of the existing Sloan Elementary School and the
design of a new Intermediate School, our team of educators,
school directors, parents, and facility design professionals
closely collaborated to create facilities that meet the diverse
educational and developmental needs of our students.
“These two world-class elementary schools are an educational
game changer for our students, staff, and families,” said Dr. Gennaro R.
Piraino, Superintendent and the 2019 Pennsylvania Superintendent
of the Year. “They enhance our ability to provide ALL students with
cutting edge educational experiences!”
Classrooms for the Future
Dr. Piraino explained that the current classrooms in all FR schools
still resemble the classrooms from generations ago when students
were being prepared for a more agricultural or industrial type of
career. In today’s technologically-based and collaborative work
environment, our students need to engage in more hands-on and
mind-on types of educational experiences where students are using
creativity and ingenuity to solve real-world problems.
“These new buildings provide specialized spaces and classroom
designs that create new opportunities for student success,” said
Dr. Piraino. “In essence, these resources will enable our teachers to
better prepare students for the complex world that awaits them.”
For example, Innovation Centers and STREAM (Science,
Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
classrooms will be conveniently located throughout both buildings.
These specially designed spaces replicate how students will
collaborate, work, and learn in the future.
“Using these spaces, our students will solve real-world problems,”
said Dr. Piraino. “Innovation Centers provide large and flexible spaces,
support multi-class hands-on and minds-on project-based learning,
as well as provide specialized equipment (enhanced technology,
science equipment, and other essential supplies) for all subject areas.
In addition to mastering curricular content, students will develop
those essential skills, such as the collaborative, real-world problem
solving that are essential for continued success.”
“We see the Elementary Project as helping move forward our
vision for the future,” added Mrs. Jane Tower, School Board Director.
STREAMing Education Forward
Another feature of the buildings are STREAM Classrooms,
which enable and enhance the implementation of courses such
as Computer Science, Engineering, Robotics, and Environmental
Education. The Buildings also provide larger venues to support
programs for Creative, Performing, and Visual Arts.
“Sloan, with its high quality streams and pristine wetlands,
makes the perfect environment for students to expand their
learning opportunities,” added Dr. Piraino.
Cultivating Creativity and Expression
The Arts and Creativity Center in the new Intermediate School
features flexible seating and theatre quality lighting and sound.
“Whether the students need small-group music lessons, a
venue to rehearse for larger performances, a space to work with a
visiting artist, or a facility to host a regional academic competition,
our newly designed elementary school buildings will be able to
support these critical instructional needs,” said Dr. Piraino.
When designing the schools, the Administration and School
Board allowed the curriculum and the teachers to guide the
process. The goal was to create equitable educational experiences
and access for ALL students, no matter their learning level or
“Our students compete in a global market and it is our
responsibility to provide them with the tools and the guidance
to succeed in this highly competitive environment,” said Mr. Mark
Kozlosky, School Board Director.
“Much of the success of Franklin Regional is thanks to an
outstanding staff of educators,” said Mr. Gregg Neavin, School
Board Director. “Their impact is made all the stronger when they
can come together and share best practices via professional
Architectural rendering of the new Intermediate (3-5) building on the elementary campus.
FALL 2019