IN Mt. Lebanon Winter 2022 | Page 4

Coming back from miscarriage with determination .

Maggie Wagner had two baby girls ( now teens ) with her first husband but she wasn ' t sure what her options were as she got older . After Maggie married her second husband , they decided they wanted to have a baby .
After suffering through two miscarriages , Maggie and her husband believed another child may not be in the cards for them but her OB-GYN , Dr . Andrew Spergel , wouldn ' t let her lose hope . “ When you ’ re over 35 , there are increased risks of miscarriage ,” Dr . Spergel said . “ But there was no medical reason Maggie couldn ’ t have a successful pregnancy again .”
With that news , Maggie and her husband decided to continue trying for a baby . To everyone ’ s surprise and delight , she was pregnant one month from the second miscarriage , with twins . “ It was a blessing ,” Maggie said . But it was difficult . Her excitement was mixed with fear . “ I had my other babies in my early 20s . This one was harder on my body . I was vomiting , I lost weight , and there was that fear : What if I lose not only one baby this time , but two ?”
“ Dr . Spergel was always reassuring . I couldn ’ t have asked for a better doctor ,” Maggie said . “ He didn ’ t sugarcoat anything . He gave me context for what my body was experiencing , and that put me at ease .”
That said , he took every concern Maggie had seriously . “ No matter how slight it might have seemed at the time ,” she said . “ One day I wasn ’ t feeling much movement from Baby B . He got me in right away .” Dr . Spergel checked the health of the babies and saw that everything was fine , and the babies were healthy .

“ Dr . Spergel was always reassuring . I couldn ' t have asked for a better doctor .”

As the due date drew near , Maggie had monthly tests and ultrasounds to ensure the babies were growing and developing well . “ Late stage with twins is high risk no matter what age mom is ,” Dr . Spergel said . When the babies hit six pounds , a date was set to induce .
“ It couldn ’ t have gone any smoother ,” Maggie said . She went in at 5 a . m ., and delivered the babies before noon . “ Dr . Spergel had my back from day one and everyone at AHN Jefferson was amazing and helpful ."
“ Maggie represents what a lot of women go through or are afraid to go through ,” said Dr . Spergel . “ It ’ s sometimes hard to come back from miscarriage . But she didn ’ t give up , and she didn ’ t just come back . She came back with twins .”
If you ’ ve experienced a miscarriage and / or are considering whether you should try again , Maggie has this to say : “ Don ’ t give up . Don ’ t be afraid of trying because they ’ re a great support team here , they know what they ’ re doing .”