IN Mt. Lebanon Winter 2019 | Page 13

e, being a thoughtful spouse, paying real estate taxes, and orrying about the overall health of your lawn. My wife may t share that last sentiment... INDUSTRY INSIGHT YOUR FINANCES SPONSORED CONTENT Staying charitable to charities – not the IRS has been the most exciting, joyous, and fulfilling time of y life. That said, even as a financial planner, it hasn’t been thout its nagging thoughts: Am I saving enough? Am I king advantage of my benefits through work? Should I be inking about saving for college already? Would my fam- be okay (financially) if something terrible happened to individuals are considering donating to e? Should I have an estate hen plan in place? What the heck charity, their sole focus is supporting a cause, a Bumbo? W aiding in a project, or helping those in need. Their personal benefit doesn’t enter into the though a lot of these issues are uncomfortable to discuss equation. That said, in the past, it was fairly straightforward – d an added being expense during an already expensive time, charitable generally resulted in a lower tax bill. Since the ndling them introduction now will not only give you peace of mind but of the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, however, that is olid foundation for securing your family’s financial future. no longer the case. Several revisions were implemented under the new tax reform. ollege Planning With regard to deductions, the two critical changes were the $10k cap placed on SALT an deductions local, real estate taxes) and you know, college is already (almost (state, illogically) expen- the substantial the standard deduction of (roughly 2x). ve journey. That, however, increase is not of slowing the majority The combination these tax code adjustments is leading ivate colleges from increasing of tuition year after year. If it’s many to to help claim the standard the first time in years. ur family’s wish cover some deduction or all of for these costs, And because of that, charitable contributions are no art saving when they’re in diapers. The earlier, the better. longer reducing two automatic strategies – month- the qualified you’ve reached retirement, you’re no longer relying on wages ok to establish a 529 one’s plan tax and bill. set Enter up an charitable distribution, and bunching contributions, to sustain your family’s lifestyle. From that mindset, term contribution for an amount that fits into your cash flow. also referred as front-loading. life insurance is truly the most effective (and cheapest!) way u won’t even to notice it after a few months. Also, let the andparents know. They CHARITABLE just may want to lend a hand. QUALIFIED DISTRIBUTION to go. A qualified charitable distribution or “QCD” is a powerful strategy for those who have reached age 70½. This age is also So how do you know how much to purchase? If you’re not ork Benefits as the and Required Distribution age or “RMD” running a thorough analysis on your existing portfolio, though there known are many they Minimum will differ from company Upon to reaching RMD age, are required to start anticipated growth, and future cash flow, a good rule of company, I age. wanted highlight one individuals in particular—the distributions from their IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement thumb plans, is 10x salary. Have a qualified adviser go out to bid ependent Care Flexible Spending Account. This account whether they need the funds or not. These distributions are to find a reputable insurance company that will provide that ows the parent to set aside income before taxes in order federally taxable. coverage at the most cost-effective rate. If you’re not in help pay for the costs of childcare. Depending on your tax The QCD strategy allows you to send funds directly from good health, if you smoke, or have a family history of heart acket, this can easily save you 20 to 30% on what you elect your IRA to the charitable organization. By doing so, you satisfy for instance, the low-cost alternative may be to contribute. a portion of your RMD and avoid recognizing that amount disease, as obtain that level of coverage through your employer. They taxable income. Not only does this save the average taxpayer 15- will likely offer guaranteed coverage at group rates for up to fe Insurance 20% in federal taxes, but it can also help lessen exposure to Social some multiple of salary. e focus of life insurance is Medicare to cover Part a period of time in Security taxes and B premium increases. hich your family is financially window In short, this strategy vulnerable. is a no-brainer This if you’re RMD age, Continued. liability typically exists during working with years. Once charitably minded, and your not enamored higher taxes. Note: This article is for financial planning purposes. Please consult So, what if you haven’t reached age 70½? with a qualified tax professional for advice on your specific situation. BUNCHING CONTRIBUTIONS If you’re unable to itemize deductions given the reasons outlined earlier, then you’re not realizing any tax savings on your charitable contributions. This introduces a second strategy— bunching contributions or front-loading. As an example, this approach would entail doubling or tripling This Industry Insight was written by Matthew D. your typical annual donation in a given year – then subsequently Kelly, CFP®. foregoing donations in the following two or three years. In the As an advisor with Allegheny Financial Group, Matt helps guide individuals and families toward achieving present year, you’d overcome the standard deduction, increasing their distinctive financial goals. Matt and his wife, tax savings. In the succeeding years, you’d take the standard Mia, live in Mt. Lebanon with their two kids and are deduction – no different than you would have otherwise. enjoying family life in such a friendly community. This strategy obviously hinges on your after-tax portfolio For a better understanding of how Matt and cash flow capacity. Assuming its feasibility, front-loading could work with you and your family, please call him at 412.536.8076 or email at can be further amplified by using a charitable gift trust and/or [email protected]. transferring appreciated securities. Allegheny Financial Group is a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered Reach out to a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ to learn more through Allegheny Investments, LTD, a registered Broker/Dealer. Member FINRA/ and determine whether these strategies make sense for you and SIPC. your family. Have a happy and safe New Year! MT. LEBANON ❘ WINTER 2019 11