IN Mt. Lebanon Winter 2018 | Page 13

e, being a thoughtful spouse, paying real estate taxes, and orrying about the overall health of your lawn. My wife may t share that last sentiment... INDUSTRY INSIGHT YOUR FINANCES has been the most exciting, joyous, and fulfilling time of y life. That said, even as a financial planner, it hasn’t been thout its nagging thoughts: Am I saving enough? Am I king advantage of my benefits through work? Should I be inking about saving for college already? Would my fam- be okay (financially) if something terrible happened to e? Should I have an time estate plan in place? What the heck t’s that of year again. The snow has started a Bumbo? falling. The holidays are seemingly stacked on A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION I SPONSORED CONTENT NEW YEAR 2019 top of one another. We have time off from work though a lot and of these issues are uncomfortable discuss our busy schedules. And, the days are to filled d an added with expense during an already expensive family, friends, and delicious food. It is truly time, a ndling them wonderful now will season. not only give you peace of mind but olid foundation securing your financial In for between sports and family’s food hangovers, we future. tend to reflect on the ups and downs of another year gone by and make plans for the future. It’s during ollege Planning those lazy stupors when a lot of us proclaim that you know, college is already an (almost illogically) expen- beginning in January: “I’m going to start majority eating of ve journey. That, however, is not slowing the ” “I’m not going to drink as much.” “I’m ivate colleges healthier. from increasing tuition year after year. If it’s going to exercise and be more active!” ur family’s wish to help cover some or all of these costs, This article, however, is not about renewing art saving when they’re in diapers. The earlier, the better. your gym membership. It’s not a public service announcement in the amount you’re saving, where you’re saving, and how you’re you’ve reached retirement, you’re no longer relying on wages ok to establish a 529 plan and set up an automatic month- that multiple bourbon eggnogs before noon is a bad idea either. saving. A few examples are: to sustain your family’s lifestyle. From that mindset, term contribution This for article an amount that fits into your cash flow. is about ensuring that you have a financial game plan • When you receive a pay bump through work, increase your life insurance is truly the most effective (and cheapest!) way u won’t even in notice it after a few months. Also, let the place for yourself and your family. 401(k) contribution by 1%. to go. andparents know. They just may want to lend a hand. Many of us lead such hectic lives balancing work and family - This will allow you to shave several working years off of that we have little time to spend elsewhere. Financial planning is your career - and you won’t even notice the difference in So how much to purchase? If you’re not ork Benefits a far cry from rocket science, but if you’re not able to dedicate the do you know your how paycheck. running a thorough on isn’t your existing time to research, and monitor your plan, though there necessary are many and they will implement, differ from company • Make sure analysis excess cash building up at the portfolio, bank. anticipated growth, and future cash liabilities, flow, a adding good rule of should to simply outsource - Consider paying down to a child’s company, I you wanted highlight one that in headache. particular—the thumb is 10x salary. Have account, a qualified adviser to go an out out to a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL education contributing IRA, to or bid saving in ependent Care Consider Flexible reaching Spending Account. This account PLANNER™. insurance company that will provide Yes, there be a cost for their expertise; after-tax account for shorter-term needs. that ows the parent to set will aside income before taxes however, in order the to find a reputable an coverage at the most rate. If you’re not in value of of childcare. a comprehensive planner on should • Don’t try to cost-effective predict the market. help pay for added the costs Depending your pay tax for itself. Depending on your goals of life, you here elect are just a few - The only time your investments should of shift from long- good health, if you smoke, or have a family history heart acket, this can easily save you 20 to and 30% stage on what term growth to capital alternative preservation, may should when disease, for instance, the low-cost be be to contribute. examples of how an adviser should be addressing your financial security: there is a change in your your financial plan (e.g., They approaching obtain that level of coverage through employer. retirement). An adviser help rates you stay will likely offer guaranteed coverage at will group for focused up to on the TAX PLANNING fe Insurance big picture and avoid costly knee-jerk reactions. some multiple of salary. laws are forever Understanding e focus of life Tax insurance is to changing. cover a period of time these in changes It is never too early (or too late) to start thinking about your and being proactive with tax opportunities that may arise will hich your family is financially vulnerable. This window financial future. With any meaningful change in life or our give you an edge in your planning. Have the adviser Continued. liability typically exists during your working years. Once run a tax daily habits, the hardest thing to do is take that first step. Set projection to: a resolution this coming year to call a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL • Determine whether you are withholding too much or not PLANNER™. Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year! enough from your paycheck. - No one wants to be surprised with a big tax bill next spring. Conversely, we shouldn’t be thrilled about a large refund. Having a minimal refund and utilizing the increased net take-home pay to invest or pay down a mortgage quicker will better serve your long-term plan. • Highlight years in which you will be in an uncommonly low tax bracket. - Whether you got married, bought a house, had a child, or just retired, you could find yourself with a unique opening to convert pre-tax money to tax-free money (i.e., Roth IRA) at a lower relative tax hit. STAYING DISCIPLINED One of the first things a small business owner is advised to do is write a business plan. This process brings clarity, structure, and discipline that is essential to accomplishing their ultimate goal. Why do we treat our family financial planning any differently? You should have a financial plan in place to help stay disciplined This Industry Insights was written by Matthew D. Kelly, CFP®. As an advisor with Allegheny Financial Group, Matt helps guide individuals and families toward achieving their distinctive financial goals. Matt and his wife, Mia, live in Mt. Lebanon with their two kids and are enjoying family life in such a friendly community. For a better understanding of how Matt could work with you and your family, please call him at 412.536.8076 or email at [email protected]. Allegheny Financial Group is a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Allegheny Investments, LTD, a registered broker/dealer. Member FINRA/ SIPC. MT. LEBANON ❘ WINTER 2018 11