Considering Cervical Fusion Surgery ?
you ever thought of staying positive as a way to keep your heart healthy ? A research study being done at the University of Illinois shows that people with optimistic attitudes have higher odds of having ideal cardiovascular health when compared to pessimistic people . The study analyzed “ the mental health , levels of optimism , and physical health of 5,100 adults ranging from 45 to 84 years of age . Heart health scores — based on American Heart Association-approved metrics , including blood pressure and body mass index — increased right alongside optimism levels .” So when you ’ re feeling down , remember that staying positive affects more than just your day , so keep your head up and your heart happy .
Digestive issues affect all of us at one time or another . From upset stomach , gas , and heartburn , to constipation and diarrhea , digestive problems are painful and embarrassing . Some of the most common digestive problems are : u Food Intolerance – Often confused with a food allergy , food intolerance allows you to eat a small amount of the offending food without any issues ( a food allergy could be life-threatening ). Causes include celiac disease , sensitivity to food additives , food toxins , and absence of an enzyme needed to fully digest a food . u Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD ) – A chronic digestive disease , GERD is defined as experiencing acid reflux and heartburn at least twice a week . GERD affects 20 percent of Americans and can cause persistent bad breath , tooth erosion , nausea , pain in chest or upper abdomen , or it can make swallowing and breathing hard to do . u Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoids are inflamed blood vessels found at the end of your digestive tract . Often painful and itchy , they are caused by chronic constipation , diarrhea , or a lack of fiber in your diet . Seventy-five percent of Americans over the age of 45 suffer from hemorrhoids . Staying hydrated , eating more fiber , or over-the-counter creams may provide relief from hemorrhoids . u Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) – Affecting 15 percent of Americans , IBS is characterized by stomach pain or discomfort at least three times a month for several months . Symptoms vary widely with IBS , making it hard to determine the exact cause . Treatment
Considering Cervical Fusion Surgery ?
Learn about disc replacement with Mobi-C ®.
• Alternative to Fusion
• Simplified Surgical Technique
• Designed to Restore Mobility
Learn more at www . cervicaldisc . com / pittsburgh
FDA Approved
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