IN Mt. Lebanon Summer 2017 | Page 24

Still Remembered Project Celebrates First Anniversary One in four women experience miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. The Still Remembered Project helps raise awareness about pregnancy and infant loss. BY PAUL GLASSER W hat began as a support group for bereaved mothers has grown into a successful nonprofit organization that also helps raise awareness about pregnancy and infant loss. The board members of the Still Remembered Project recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the program’s official incorporation as a nonprofit. According to the group, one in four women will experience miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. Although it is a prevalent issue, board treasurer Melissa Ibella says many people find it difficult to talk about the subject. All the board members, including Ibella, have experienced loss of a pregnancy or infant. “My first child passed away at 39 weeks and was born after 20 hours of labor,” Ibella explains. “I was surprised by how many people didn’t 22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Mt. Lebanon want to see him. I was surprised by how many people didn’t want to say his name. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable to talk about a child they never met. It made me uncomfortable until I was part of this community. I had to deal with it in my own way. Over time, it became something I felt very passionate about.” The Still Remembered Project began as a peer support group for bereaved mothers six years ago. The support group still meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month at Panera Bread in the Galleria Mall on Route 19 in Mt. Lebanon. About 60 women have joined the support group. However, the organization has implemented a number of other programs designed to support families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss and raise awareness about the issue. Board members and volunteers create memory boxes for bereaved mothers that include handmade