A day at the park may seem like “ just another day ,” but learning and bonding experiences flourish at the park ! The fall is a wonderful time of the year to take your children outdoors , whether it be venturing into your backyard or to one of the city , county , state or national parks . Pack for Safety Drinking water , sunscreen , hat , water to wash as well as wipes for hands , sneakers or other closed-toed shoes , a change of clothes or a towel for the seat , small first-aid kit for those little scrapes and a small trash bag to keep the Earth litter-free are all important . Expect to Get Dirty Going outside is about the freedom to explore and the only way to explore is to touch it , and yes , it is dirty — it ’ s outside ! Dirty does not mean “ germy .” Roll in the grass , stomp in the mud , touch the frog and splash in the puddles .
Infant to 6 months
• Pack for safety : A blanket to crawl on and a sturdy pair of pants for crawling on rough surfaces . Be prepared to change diapers on the go .
• Be prepared to climb and crawl yourself . This is the best way for you to ensure your child ’ s safety . Watch for items going into your child ’ s mouth .
• Hydration : the outside air and activity increases the amount of fluids you both need to consume . And while you ’ re packing the water , pack a snack .
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• Point , name and describe : As your child explores , point out the details ; name objects and talk about your experience .
First Steps ( 12 to 18 months )
• Pack for safety : Bring a blanket and a sturdy pair of pants for crawling on rough surfaces . This is not the place for skirts or dresses .
• Plan for breaks and pack snacks , water and a few books .
• Dig and touch : Collect items to further explore when you get home .
• Walk the trail with your little one on a riding toy . Don ’ t forget the helmet .
• Park play etiquette : If your little one finds a playmate , ask the other parent if both of you may join in the play . Your child will learn to ask for your approval before playing with strangers and the parent of the other child will appreciate this overture .
Toddler and Get Set ( 18 to 36 months )
• Plot the potty path !
• Bring balls to throw and kick , or bean bags and a bucket .
• Move beyond the park and walk a trail or explore a nursery . Go to the stream , lake or pond and skip rocks . Turn the rocks over to find creepy , crawly things .
• No breaks required , but pause for a moment to re-hydrate .
• Look through binoculars — even two toilet paper tubes offer a new view of the world .
• Tent it ! A pop-up tent is an instant playhouse .
• Take an umbrella and put on your galoshes ; take a walk in the light rain .
Preschool to Kinder ( 36 months +)
• Lie down and look up ; children like to see the world from a different perspective .
• Picnic : Let your child be a part of packing the necessities and preparing the sandwiches .
• Play “ I Spy ” or “ I Hear .”
• Read or draw under the trees .
• Bring a cup and magnifying glass for bugs and objects to view . Research your bugs and objects when you return home to learn more about them .
Exposure to the great outdoors shouldn ’ t stop at home but also extend to your child ’ s school . Outdoor activities give children the opportunity to sing a little louder , move around in a larger space and engage in hands-on experiences outside the traditional classroom . Quality preschool programs incorporate plenty of time for outside investigation . Early childhood educators develop lesson plans that encourage the gross motor and observation skills of young children .
Go outside all year long — visit http :// www . scdconline . org / PDF _ files / weatherwatch . pdf to know what is considered safe outdoor weather for children .
This Industry Insight was written by Bob & Lori Santo .
Bob & Lori Santo are the owners of The Goddard School ®, located at 825 East McMurray Road in Peters Township and 655 Painters Run Road , Upper St . Clair , 412.564.3600 . Goddard offers both full- and part-time infant / preschool / kindergarten programs . For more information , visit www . goddardschools . com or call 724.941.6464 .
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