Yoga for You 1 p . m ., Sundays , July 10 , 24 , August 7 , 28
Stop by for a basic 60-minute flow class that both beginners and experienced practitioners will enjoy .
Sahaja Meditation 7:30 p . m ., Mondays , June 27 , July 11 , 25 , August 1 , 29
Discover the beauty within you through simple meditation techniques , which will improve your physical , emotional , psychological , social , and spiritual health .
Brain Health Lifestyle 1 p . m ., Thursday , June 30
Paul David Nussbaum , the founder and president of Brain Health Center , Inc ., will teach about the basics of the brain , how the brain operates , and how to shape your brain for health across the entire lifespan . Dr . Nussbaum will educate you on his proactive Brain Health Lifestyle ® that includes physical activity , mental stimulation , spirituality , nutrition , and socialization .
Curves Sponsored Mt . Lebanon Library
Fitness Walks 7 p . m ., Tuesdays , June 28 , July 26 , and August 30
A Curves Mt . Lebanon fitness instructor will lead these 30- to 60-minute walks , Wear comfortable shoes , bring your kids , and your dog and enjoy a summer evening out with your community friends . Meet in the library parking lot off of Washington Road .
How to Successfully Run a Marathon 7 p . m ., Thursday , July 14
Timothy Lyman , a Pittsburgh-based run coach specializing in long-distance endurance events , will discuss the essentials for being a strong marathon
runner . Learn what it means to be a distance runner , what your initial training investments potentially could be , what to expect during training , and how to prevent injury .
In the Know About GMO ! 7 p . m ., Tuesday , July 19
Faith Starr , an environmental advocate , naturalist and herbalist , and clinical nutritional therapist , will lead this eye-opening presentation that looks at where the GMOs are hidden in your daily diet . You will leave armed with the information needed to eat and shop as healthy as possible . Feel free to bring a packaged food item and the instructor will decipher the label .
Three Delicious Ways to Eat with Peace
and Joy 7 p . m ., Thursday , July 21
Do you know that S-L-O-W eating has an anti-aging effect on the body ? Sanna Carapellotti , MS , CHt , will discuss how you can reset your rhythms and effortlessly reduce portion sizes when you eat slow . Discover delicious ways to find peace in the presence of food . What if you can return to your life energized after eating ? Weight loss tips included .
Minor Changes / Major Results :
Strategies to Get Fit and Stay Fit 7 p . m ., Monday , August 8
Dr . Joseph Luxbacher explains how we all possess the power to determine our physical destiny . This 90-minute workshop is for women and men of all ages and fitness levels who would like to improve their health and physical status , lose weight , redefine their physique , and strengthen and tone their muscles .
Laugh for the Health of It ! 7 p . m ., Monday , July 25
Want to relieve stress , power-up your immune system and have fun , too ? Julie Ann Sullivan , certified laughter leader , will transform you with her energetic and engaging style . The audience participates in interactive activities which instill a sense of connection for everyone . Come and put more laughter in your day . It is more fun shared , so bring a friend .
Mindful Eating : A Compassionate
Approach to Eating 7 p . m ., Monday , August 1
Deborah Brooks , a member of the Order of Interbeing , a community of monastics and lay people established by Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh , will provide a new perspective to how we approach our daily meals .
Biking the Great Allegheny Passage 7 p . m ., Monday , June 20
Cycling and hiking season is here ! Larry Walsh , recreation bicycling columnist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , will discuss the Great Allegheny Passage ( GAP ) railtrail , which offers 150 miles of hiking and biking between Pittsburgh and Cumberland , Maryland . In Cumberland the trail joins the C & O towpath , creating a continuous trail experience 335 miles long to Washington , D . C . Walsh will share his experiences hiking and biking this trail , highlight the best of the trail , and give advice for the best stop-overs and itineraries . Learn how to best prepare for your trail adventure so you can have a memorable experience .
When the Body Hurts ... How You Can
Help Yourself 7 p . m ., Monday , August 22
According to the CDC , 80 percent of visits to the PCP are stress related . Topics of discussion at this program include how stress turns into body aches and pains and the value of suffering . You will experience the power of energy psychology approaches to help you reduce where you hurt . Sanna Carapellotti is trained to help people resolve problems , cope with life struggles , and ease unsettled feelings . Recognized as a leader in deep-mind transformation , Sanna facilitates the relief clients seek to transform their lives .
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