“ To see pictures of the troops opening our care packages displayed at the Bush Library is a great testament to more than a decade of selfless service that our military has been making since 9 / 11 .”
Middle East or other combat areas or outposts . The items on these lists are generally personal care and moralebuilding items that the troops cannot otherwise obtain for themselves , or items that may not be readily available from government or military channels .
The organization also provides veterans with “ welcome home ” kits that help alleviate the financial burden that often accompanies returning veterans who may be at-risk of homelessness , or coming out of a homeless situation or other tragic circumstance . The kit , according to Querriera , is given to veterans and their families upon placement in permanent housing and contains beds , mattresses , kitchen / bakeware / cooking supplies , laundry and cleaning supplies , and other staples needed to establish a new home .
Querriera says the organization took about three months to get off the ground . “ I started sending Under Armour shirts to a Pittsburgh unit of National Guard soldiers who deployed from Hunt Armory in Shadyside ,” she explains . “ I collected funds from family and friends to purchase the shirts and send them over . The response was so overwhelming , in the form of beautiful cards and letters , that it inspired me to create a nonprofit that would do this on a permanent basis .”
Querriera also acknowledged some of the staff at the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh , where she attended , who helped her with the initial start-up . She approached her dean , Rick Winter , to ask if the school could assist her with guidance in various specialties . Winter was thrilled with the idea , and they scheduled their first recruiting meetings . A local firm , Michael Baker Corporation , donated the legal work to get the organization up and running as a 501c3 , and within four months of sending those first shirts , Operation Troop Appreciation was a real charity .
The organization has two officers – Monica Orluk , president , and Amanda Thompson , vice president – who reside in Pittsburgh , as well as about 50 volunteers who do everything from pack boxes , stuff envelopes , and inventory items , to maintain the public space at Century III Mall in West Mifflin .
“ To see pictures of the troops opening our care packages displayed at the Bush Library is a great testament to more than a decade of selfless service that our military has been making since 9 / 11 .”
“ It is important to note that all officers , board of directors and staff are 100 percent volunteers ,” Querriera says . “ Operation Troop Appreciation pays no salaries or wages , and all critical services such as accounting , web design , legal services and marketing are donated by local businesses . This enables the organization to direct 98 or 99 cents of every donated dollar directly to providing items to our troops and veterans .”
The organization has received tremendous support from so many individuals who support its mission to offer aid to the troops . It has even received recognition from the White House .
“ When President Bush traveled the country , he always met a volunteer at every stop ,” Querriera says . “ I got a call from the White House in 2006 , asking if I would like to meet him , as he wanted to recognize our work with Operation Troop Appreciation . I met him on the tarmac next to Air Force One when he came to the area . I also was invited to the White House on two occasions , one of which was to hear a speech he made on the White House lawn , when he talked about the importance of volunteering . He even highlighted our work in his speech .”
Operation Troop Appreciation is also featured in the George W . Bush Library in Dallas , which Querriera has visited to see the organization ’ s display .
“ To think that our organization will be memorialized there forever is a great testament to the work we do and , most importantly , to the sacrifices that our troops and veterans have made for this country ,” she says . “ To see pictures of the troops opening our care packages displayed at the Bush Library is a great testament to more than a decade of selfless service that our military has been making since 9 / 11 .”
Though these were moments in Querriera ’ s life that she won ’ t soon forget , she recognizes that none of it would have happened without the countless hours the volunteer staff has dedicated to Operation Troop Appreciation and the thousands of donors whose financial contributions have helped the organization to operate . “ I happened to be on the other end of the President ’ s handshake , but I merely represented thousands who have a personal stake in Operation Troop Appreciation ’ s history , future and success .” ■
For more information about Operation Troop Appreciation , visit OperationTroopAppreciation . org , or follow the Facebook page at Operation Troop Appreciation . For information on donations , organization needs , corporate giving or collection drives , contact Monica Orluk at littlemo34 @ yahoo . com .
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