IN Mt. Lebanon Summer 2014 | Page 5

CONTENTS summer • 2 014 features 23 Real Estate: Beautiful Abodes New housing developments in our north, east, south and west communities.. 36 How to Choose the Right Lawyer Some questions to help you determine if he or she is the right choice for you. 40 Second Annual CASE Awards IN Community Magazines’ Community Awards for Service Excellence (CASE) honors unsung volunteers in Mt. Lebanon. 43 St. Anne Parish Celebrates 125 Years Church and school celebrate more than a century of history in the South Hills. 50 Pittsburgh Threshold Choir Singers ease pain of those in hospice care through song. on the cover 12 57 To the Rescue! Animal Advocates celebrates 30 years of finding dogs and cats loving homes. Mt. Lebanon’s Ellie Marcovsky shows what it takes to be part of a growing number of females in hockey. See her story on page 12. PHOTO BY EVAN SANDERS. departments 4 6 From the Publisher IN the Loop: What’s News in Mt. Lebanon 10 IN Good Taste: Gloria Fortunato, Chef and Co-Owner, Wild Rosemary Bistro sponsored content Business Spotlights 31 EXP Realty - Dionne Malush 65 Hometown Pharmacy 12 IN Person: Ellie Marcovsky 18 IN Events 63 Mt. Lebanon Public Library 72 IN the Know Industry Insights 11 Your Health: Circulatory Centers 21 Get Grilling: Bella Sera 29 Real Estate: PPM Realty 57 39 Lifetime Dental Care: Dr. Jay Feuer 49 Minimally Invasive Surgery: Advanced Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation Dining Out 47 Pittsburgh Barbecue Company 55 Rumfish Grille IN Community is a publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Mt. Lebanon area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mt. Lebanon | Summer 2014 | 3