Lori McMahon, pastoral associate, said the church will be
celebrating throughout the year. “Essentially we have three liturgy
celebrations, July 26, Sept. 14, the third is Nov. 15,” McMahon said.
“Each of them has a particular tie to the history of the church.”
The July 26 celebration is a 4 p.m. mass celebrating the Feast of
Sts. Joachim and Anne. An outdoor reception on the church grounds
follows. Sept. 14 entails a commemoration of the first mass celebrated
at St. Anne, with Bishop David Zubik presiding. That mass will be
followed by
an alumni
and catered
breakfast in
the school
The last mass
on Nov. 15
will close the
year with a
4 p.m. mass
by Daniel
DiNardo, with Bishop Zubik. DiNardo is an alumnus of St. Anne, and
has close ties to the South Hills. That mass also will feature priests and
nuns who have served at the parish, as well as the school. A formal
banquet following the mass will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn at
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McMahon said the church is working on publishing an anniversary
book, and will be unveiling a commemorative ornament that will be for
sale to congregants.
“St. Anne has a rich history and always has been an interesting mix
of people coming together in faith,” McMahon said. While physically
located in Castle Shannon, St. Anne South Side beginnings drew an
eclectic mix of parishioners, a tradition that continues to this day.
“Castle Shannon, Mt. Lebanon and Bethel Park are the main three
communities [from which] we draw parishioners,” McMahon said. “We
do have some from Upper St. Clair and from the City of Pittsburgh as
well, and the school contributes a lot to that. People from all over see
what our school has to offer and are proud to bring their kids here.”
St. Anne also draws people of all faiths from all communities for
its annual summer fair, which is held on the school’s
fairgrounds. Held each year in June, the fair is a
mainstay of summer fun in the South Hills.
For more information on St. Anne including
current details on the upcoming 125th anniversary
celebratory events, go to stanneparish.com, where
you can add yourself to the update list for the
most recent changes. Those interested in the St.
Anne School can go to stanneschool.org for more
information. ■