IN Mt. Lebanon Summer 2014 | Page 42

SECOND ANNUAL C SE Awards COMMUNITY AWARDS FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE SPONSORED BY NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK Honoring Unsung Volunteers in Mt. Lebanon Congratulations to the winners of the Community Awards for Service Excellence! C ongratulations to our 2014 CASE Award Winners. The awards are presented to individual volunteers, nonprofit organizations and corporations who have demonstrated exceptional service to the community through direct volunteer efforts or support of nonprofits. They represent a cross section of young and old from 25 western Pennsylvania communities. Each awardee has exhibited extraordinary levels of service to the community by donating their time, talents and money. IN Community Magazines congratulates all of our honorees. It is your devotion to helping others that makes our communities great places to live. This year’s CASE Awards are sponsored by Northwest Savings Bank. Large Nonprofit of the Year Darko Nikolic, Manager 437 Cochran Road, Mt. Lebanon (412) 343-1771 Northwest Direct: 1-877-672-5678 Member FDIC 40 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Mt. Lebanon The Center for Theater Arts (CTA) is dedicated to offering the highest quality performing arts instruction and is committed to providing all students, including those with special needs, with opportunities to improve their self-image and self-confidence through artistic expression. For its longstanding investment in the students, programs, instructors, and to the community it serves, the Center for Theater Arts was recently awarded the Community Awards for Service Excellence Large Nonprofit of the Year Award. Founded in 1981, the Center for Theater Arts is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering high-quality performing arts instruction and providing all students with opportunities to improve their self-image and self-confidence through artistic expression. The organization has served more than 8,000 families with 10,000 children during the past 30 years and currently has students who enter the