How long has the attorney
been in practice?
This will help you understand
more about the attorney’s
practice and expertise,
whether he/she is a seasoned
professional or someone just
getting started.
What area of law does this
lawyer specialize in?
Make sure that this attorney is
well-versed in the specific area of
your case and that he/she works
for a practice that devotes a large
portion—if not all—of its time to
this area. In addition, be sure that
the lawyer has extensive knowledge
of the laws that govern this area.
How many cases has the attorney worked on
that were similar to yours?
What is his/her track record with such cases? This is
especially important, as you will likely want a lawyer
who has a vast knowledge of your type of case and a
successful track record. Do not be afraid of asking for
specific numbers such as how many cases has
he/she won?
Generally speaking, who is the
lawyer’s typical client?
This will give you an idea of the types of
people the lawyer has worked with and
how they compare and contrast to you
and your specific case. You will want
to know if the lawyer has experience in
working with individuals similar to you
and your financial background.
Other than a law degree, what kind of special
training or knowledge does the attorney have
that might be an advantage to your specific
Specialized training that the attorney has in certain areas
may put you ahead of the game and help you to be more
effectively and successfully represented.
What are the attorney’s fees and costs, and billing options?
This may be the most important question of all, depending on your financial situation and the amount of money you have
to invest in hiring an attorney. You also may want to ask about special payment plans and how often you will be required to
make payments, or if reduced costs can be applied if paralegals handle your case.
What is the attorney’s approach or philosophy
to winning or representing a case?
The answer to this may lie in the attorney’s overall
demeanor. For instance, if you envision working with
someone more laid-back and cordial, then an attorney who
exhibits aggressive qualities could make you feel nervous
and uneasy. Also, consider your type of case and what type
of personality would best suit the situation.
How will the attorney keep you
You should know how and when the attorney
plans to communicate, as you will want to stay
informed of what he/she is doing on your behalf
and about upcoming dates.
Would the attorney recommend
solving your legal problem in another
Yes, you can ask this question, and the attorney
may recommend other lower-cost methods
you can pursue.
What does the attorney predict for the
outcome of your case?
Of course, you will be curious as to whether
the attorney thinks you have a good chance of
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