IN Mt. Lebanon Summer 2014 | Page 33

Business Spotlight Business Spotlight SponSoreD Content SponSoreD Content SponSoreD Content SponSoreD Content When the others When the others can’t sell it, can’t sell it, Dionne Malush Can! Dionne Malush Can! Statistically, the average Realtor® sells Statistically, the average Realtor® sells between 6 and 8 homes a year. Dionne between 6 and 8 homes a year. Dionne Malush has had her sixth year of of selling Malush has had her sixth year selling nearly 1010 times that for her clients. The nearly times that for her clients. The secret of of her success, she said, marketing, secret her success, she said, is is marketing, something that something that other Realtors can’t other Realtors can’t bring to to the table bring the table like she can, and like she can, and that is the topic of of that is the topic a chapter she coa chapter she coauthored in in the new authored the new book, The New Rise book, The New Rise in Real Estate. in Real Estate. “Basically, one of of “Basically, one the keys to to selling a the keys selling a home is aggressively marketing the home,” ” home is aggressively marketing the home, Malush said. “The days of ofreal estate Malush said. “The days a a real estate agent just putting a ‘For Sale’ sign in in the agent just putting a ‘For Sale’ sign the yard are gone. Marketing and knowing yard are gone. Marketing and knowing how to to price your home are two of the how price your home are two of the most important factors.” ” most important factors. Graduating from the Art Institute of of Graduating from the Art Institute Pittsburgh in in 1989, Malush, later, entered Pittsburgh 1989, Malush, later, entered the real estate business with a flair for the real estate business with a flair for creativity and attention to to detail that creativity and attention detail that many others aren’t able to to approach, and many others aren’t able approach, and she uses her degree today to to offer her she uses her degree today offer her clients great photography, better design clients great photography, better design and better aesthetics when it comes to to and better aesthetics when it comes their homes’ marketing materials. She has their homes’ marketing materials. She has created anan aggressive online marketing created aggressive online marketing campaign as as 92% of buyers search online campaign 92% of buyers search online now before ever driving down the street. now before ever driving down the street. It is too easy for the buyer to to hit the NEXT It is too easy for the buyer hit the NEXT button, soso she utilizes the internet to her button, she utilizes the internet to her advantage. She also has incorporated social advantage. She also has incorporated social media into her marketing campaign which media into her marketing campaign which has really put her listings in in front of many has really put her listings front of many potential opportunities. You can friend her potential opportunities. You can friend her at:at: AsAs for listinghome, Malush says, for listing a a home, Malush says, “Before my clients even take me onon as their “Before my clients even take me as their representative, I give them a presentation representative, I give them a presentation onon pricing, marketing and show ability, so pricing, marketing and show ability, so that we’re onon the same page. Beyond that, I that we’re the same page. Beyond that, I find that my clients appreciate my sense find that my clients appreciate my sense of of humor and my willingness to listen humor and my willingness to listen to to them to really hear their issues and them to really hear their issues and what they’re looking for. It’sIt’s because what they’re looking for. because of of that that I tend to do really well with that that I tend to do really well with expired listings – the ones that have expired listings – the ones that have been listed byby other companies and been listed other companies and didn’t sell. People come to to me to finish didn’t sell. People come me to finish that stalled process.” ” that stalled process. Malush has made a move to to RE/ Malush has made a move RE/ MAX Select Realty, the #1#1 Real Estate MAX Select Realty, the Real Estate Company in in the World. While it’s easy to Company the World. While it’s easy to get lost in in the technology jargon of 21st get lost the technology jargon of 21st Century business models, Malush said Century business models, Malush said the only thing clients need to to understand the only thing clients need understand is that they will see a HUGE difference. is that they will see a HUGE difference. RE/MAX has agents representing them RE/MAX has agents representing them in in 89 countries with over 89,000 agents 89 countries with over 89,000 agents worldwide. worldwide. “We have multiple offices – and one “We have multiple offices – and one opening right at at Donaldson’s Crossroads opening right Donaldson’s Crossroads in in Peters Twp.which will allow me to to Peters Twp. – – which will allow me easily represent clients in in that entire South easily represent clients that entire South Hills corridor, but I am anan agent willing Hills corridor, but I am