IN Mt. Lebanon Fall 2016 | Page 30

“ Citizen science makes it possible to collect large quantities of data that can address questions that are virtually impossible to address otherwise .”

Bird Lovers



The Neighborhood Nestwatch is expected to collect data on 1,500 birds in Pittsburgh ’ s suburbs this year .

In addition to providing vital information on bird populations in Pittsburgh , the National Aviary ’ s Neighborhood Nestwatch program has also sparked an interest in birds among children and adults .

Several families in the area are among the 160 households participating in the program this year . That ’ s up from 35 homes when the local program began in 2013 . The families work with Bob Mulvihill , an ornithologist at the National Aviary , to help capture , measure , tag and release birds between May and August . Families also monitor bird nests during the nesting season and track birds tagged throughout the year .
The Neighborhood Nestwatch program is a citizen science effort that began at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in Washington , D . C . The concept of citizen science has become increasingly popular in recent years as experts look for ways to collect lots of data quickly and accurately without spending large amounts of money , Mulvihill says .
“ Even without scientific training , humans are excellent observers with all of their sensory apparatus ,” he says . “ Citizen science makes it possible to collect large quantities of data that can address questions that are virtually impossible to address otherwise .”
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