IN Moon Township Spring 2018 | Page 6

TrusTed • experienced S erving M oon & Lig ht Housekeep ing Bat hing A ssist ance Med icat ion Rem ind ers Transp ort at ion/ Errand s Post Surg ery/ Rehab Care A m b ulat ion A ssist ance Meal Prep arat ion Laund ry Bond ed & Insured Careg ivers A vailab le 24 Hours-a-Day Hosp it al Discharg e A ssist ance/ Transp ort at ion Cust om ized Sched ules Serving Mont our, Moon Tw p , Sew ickley, Carneg ie, Rob inson and surround ing areas. S urrounding C oMMunitieS S inCe 1968 LET’S GET YOUR for your * call us today SMILE free BACK! invisalign consult! • Implants • Invisalign • Whitening • Veneers Dr. Arne Arne Thomas • Dr. Jim Dr. Jim Chui Chui 1000 1000 Commerce Drive, Third Drive, Floor, Moon Township, PA 15108 Commerce Third Floor 412-262-3530 Moon Township, PA 15108 • 412-262-3530 4 12-788-6226 w w w .rig ht at hom / w est p it t sb urg h License# : 2181360 1 BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS by Dual- Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Get Answers, not estimates, with our NEW State of the art body composition analysis. Accurate measurements for: • Lean muscle mass • Total body fat. Lean muscle mass/body-fat ratio • Android/Gynecoid fat ratio • Visceral adipose tissue and Subcutaneous fat • Basal metabolic rate • Fine tune your body composition with expert analysis If you are an athlete, in a weight loss program, or concerned about your general health, this test is for you! Results are reviewed by an ISCD certified physician. MOST ACCURATE AND AFFORDABLE METHOD AVAILABLE Frank DiCenzo, DO 412-741-6800 301 OHIO RIVER BOULEVARD, SUITE 300, SEWICKLEY, PA 15143 4 7 24.942.0940 TO ADV E RTIS E ❘