IN Moon Township Spring 2018 | Page 10

WHAT’S NEWS IN MOON TOWNSHIP 2018 DRAMA CLUB SPRING MUSICAL: ‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’ more information about the race from the website The Moon Area High School Drama Club will perform ‘The Wizard of Oz’ for its spring musical this year. Show Times (Tickets sold at the door.) March 15-17, 7 p.m. March 18, 2 p.m. Ticket Prices Seniors/Students: $10 Adults: $12 Ticket Presale Dates at the High School March 7-9, 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. March 11, 1 & 3 p.m. March 12, 6:30 & 8:30 p.m. March 13-14, 10:30 a.m.; 1:30, 6:30 & 8 p.m. MOON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Moon Area School District is contracted with Student Transportation of Pennsylvania (STA) to provide transportation management services to the district. STA is NOW HIRING for all routes. Call the terminal or apply online at to indicate your interest. Should there be any questions about daily services, please contact Lynn Fabian at 412.269.9970 or [email protected]. TAKE ON THE ANNUAL OHIO VALLEY HOSPITAL AND KENNEDY TOWNSHIP 5K AND ‘RUN THIS TOWN!’ It’s a race partnership 37 years in the making. Last year’s Ohio Valley Hospital and Kennedy Township 5K welcomed more than 200 runners and walkers. The 2018 race, kicking off on Saturday, May 12, hopes to achieve an even bigger turnout. The 5K starts at the hospital at 8 a.m., while a DJ plays participants off onto a rolling-hill course. The after-party features a continental breakfast and awards ceremony. The race offers prizes for top overall runners and by age group. You can sign up now at or get 8 7 24.942.0940 TO ADV E RTIS E ❘ HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO OFFER FREE LEAD TESTING FOR CHILDREN The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) is now offering free blood lead level testing for uninsured and underinsured children in Allegheny County. Testing will be done at ACHD’s Immunization Clinic every Tuesday (9 a.m. to noon) and Thursday (noon to 4 p.m.). No advance appointment is necessary. The clinic is located on the fourth floor of the Hartley Rose Building (425 First Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15219); patrons are advised to enter the building via Cherry Way. “To support the new universal lead screening regulation in Allegheny County, we are pleased to announce our new lead testing services for uninsured and underinsured children,” said Dr. Karen Hacker, ACHD Director. “In Allegheny County, children can be exposed to lead from multiple sources including paint, dust, soil and water. Blood lead testing is an important strategy to identify children who have been exposed, and intervene.” Blood lead level tests at the Immunization Clinic will be done via a capillary screen or what is commonly referred to as a “finger stick.” Parents and/or guardians should call the health department at 412.687.2243 to find out if they qualify for these services. Children with elevated test results from the capillary screen will be referred to their primary care provider to have a required confirmatory blood draw (a venous test) at another location as prescribed by the child’s health care provider. ACHD is reminding parents and providers that a regulation requiring all children in the county, unless otherwise exempted, to have their blood lead levels tested went into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. The regulation, which applies to all residents and schools of Allegheny County, is meant to boost early detection and treatment of lead poisoning and reduce the incidence, impact, and cost of the problem. It also will enhance countywide surveillance of childhood lead poisoning. For more information about ACHD’s approach to preventing lead exposure, visit ■