IN Moon Township Fall 2018 | Page 33

EARLY EDUCATION INDUSTRY INSIGHT SPONSORED CONTENT FIVE WAYS TO ENCOURAGE STEAM LEARNING S TEAM learning (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) has become a vital part of early childhood education. STEAM concep ts help prepare children for life in the 21st century. After all, STEAM-related jobs make up one of the fastest growing segments of the U.S. economy (Baird- Remba, Guey, & Lubin, 2013). This is expected to increase over time as children eventually join the workforce. Here are five ways you can encourage STEAM learning at home. 1. TAKE A FIELD TRIP. Museums, zoos, aquariums, libraries and even public parks provide many opportunities to introduce READY. SET. GOddard! We help children explore and discover their interests through play in a safe environment. Highly trained teachers gently guide and encourage children every step of the way as they grow, develop and achieve important milestones. CALL TODAY! MOON TOWNSHIP • 412-262-1821 800 Commerce Avenue STEAM subjects. Be sure to engage your child, ask her what she would like to see and ask whether she would like to learn more about what she has seen. 2. WATCH STEAM-RELATED TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. While screen time should not be solely relied upon for education, there are many ways it can help enhance your child’s learning experience. Things like documentaries and educational programming may strengthen his understanding of STEAM subjects. 3. CONDUCT EXPERIMENTS. Many fun and easy science experiments can be done at home with simple household items. You can find some ideas online. You can also help your child keep a journal of the experiments she completes and record what she learns from each one. 4. ENCOURAGE QUESTIONS. Children are naturally inquisitive, often asking “Why?” or “How?” Following this thread of curiosity may lead to a STEAM subject that interests your child. If you don’t know the answer to a question, research the topic with him. 5. ASK YOUR CHILD WHAT SHE WOULD LIKE TO BE WHEN SHE GROWS UP. Many careers are tied to STEAM learning. Help your child find out more about the field she wants to pursue and what she needs to learn to get there. References Baird-Remba, R., Guey, L., & Lubin, G. (5 June 2013). 14 US Industries That Will Boom in the Next Decade. Business Insider. Retrieved from americas-fastest-growing-industries-2013-6 This Industry Insight was written by Dina Speranza & Carol Maier. They are the owners of The Goddard School®, located at 800 Commerce Avenue in Moon Township. Goddard offers both full- and part-time Infant/Preschool/ Kindergarten programs. For more information, visit or call 412.262.1821. The Goddard Schools are operated by independent franchisees under a license agreement with Goddard Systems, Inc. Programs and ages may vary. © Goddard Systems, Inc. 2018. License #00110527 , # 102804800-0001 MOON TOWNSHIP ❘ FALL 2018 31