Education Special Section
“ The way students learn , share ideas , get access to content , create , and collaborate is fundamentally different ,” says Anthony Salcito , vice president of worldwide education at Microsoft . “ Their mindsets are different , and the workplaces we are preparing them for are different , so we have to recognize there has been a lot of change . What we ’ ve now got to do at a system level , the institution level , is not only embrace that change but use it in a purposeful way to drive a different dynamic in classrooms .”
Experts believe that the human psychology of learning has seen little change over time , but external factors , including the digital revolution , have unstoppably shaped the way in which we learn and teach . Technology has brought about exciting and innovative ways for personalized learning and novel approaches for teachers to address gaps in learning processes . Yet one constant remains in education , and that is the critical role of teachers . Human interactions are undoubtedly crucial both inside and outside of the classroom . The inspiration and support provided by teachers is what can make a student successful , even if that student is provided all other tools and opportunities needed to succeed .
Preschool Education If you ’ re interested in potentially taking on the cost of a second mortgage , look no further than sending your child to preschool . When seeking out the program that is right for your child , many considerations are taken into account including safety , cost , location , teacher credentials , accreditations , and how each of these will meet your child ’ s individual needs . Once thought of only as daycare , preschools are shaping their early education programs to mold even the youngest of students for future success .
Across the U . S ., the demand for quality early learning programs is on the rise , with STEAM concepts ( science , technology , engineering , arts and mathematics ) making their first appearance to students at the age of 3 . Early Learning facilities are proving their worth through implementing quality
metrics , investing in technologies , and by offering an array of options for curriculum- versus non-curriculum-based learning to best suit the learning style of young students .
Preschools and educational daycares , a newly coined term , are implementing Quality Rating Improvement Systems ( QRIS ) as a standard for success in early education . The National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance , funded by the U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , developed QRIS as a systemic approach to assess , improve , and communicate the level of quality in early and school-aged care and education programs . In Pennsylvania , the Keystone STARS ( Standards , Training / Professional Development , Assistance , Resources , and Support ) program focuses on the importance of employing quality staff , professional development , early learning programs , partnerships with family and the community , and leadership and management of facilities . Within these structured guidelines , the state aims
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