Moon Township Library , hayrides , music by the Moon Area School District bands and more ! For more information visit the website .
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1 .) Apply grub killernow till mid-August
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Night Walk on the Panhandle Trail Date : October ( Check the website for the exact date .) Address : 110 Noblestown Road , Carnegie Contact : panhandletrail . org , or facebook . com / Collier- Friends-of-the-Panhandle-Trail
Don ’ t forget your flashlight and your favorite Halloween costume ! Kids and adults will enjoy walking by carved jacko ’ -lanterns set up along a half-mile stretch of the trail from the bridge near the Walkers Mill trailhead to the Sunnyside entrance . Enjoy tasty hot chocolate and sweet cider , treat bags and more around the charming bonfires ! The event is free , but donations are welcome to help maintain the trail . Visit the website or Facebook page for more information .
Robinson Town Centre Halloween Walk Date : Oct . 27 Address : Park Manor Boulevard , Robinson Township Contact : robinsontowncentre . com / events
Let your kids show off their Halloween costumes with their friends while enjoying free treat bags and Halloweenthemed activities at Robinson Town Centre ’ s Annual Halloween Walk ! Visit the website for more information .
Robinson Township ’ s Halloween in the Park Date : Oct . 27 Address : Clever Park Rotary Shelter , 115 Robinson Pool Drive , Robinson Township Contact : townshipofrobinson . com / events , or 412.788.8120
Forest Grove Fire Department and the Montour Marching Band will lead the parade through the park to kick-off the festivities . Come in costume ! All your favorite ghosts and goblins will parade down the red carpet and pose for some great , ghostly photos . Treats and eats ! Be there or be scared ! Please meet in the upper parking lot 15 minutes prior to take part in the parade . Visit the website for more information .
Trail of Terror at Carnegie Park Date : October ( Check the website for exact date .) Address : Carnegie Park , Forsythe Road and Cook Lane , Carnegie Contact : facebook . com / PghTrailOfTerror
Dare to be scared at this frightful fundraiser for Pitcher Park Memorial Skatepark ! Carnegie Park is transformed into an outdoor haunt with ghosts , goblins , zombies and more ! Visit the Facebook page for more information .
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