IN Millcreek Winter 2021 | Page 47

professional is not visited yearly . As the condition progresses , symptoms may include blurred vision , impaired color vision , floaters , and / or dark areas in your vision . Symptoms may occur if there is too much sugar in your blood , which can cause a blockage in the blood vessels that lead to the retina . Proper management of diabetes is the best way to prevent vision loss .
• Glaucoma : The second leading cause of blindness , glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye ’ s optic nerve . The risk of developing glaucoma increases with age and if parents or siblings have the disease . During an eye exam , glaucoma can be detected by measuring eye pressure , inspecting the drainage angle of the eye , evaluating the health of the optic nerve and testing the visual field of each eye . Depending on the type and severity of the disease , glaucoma can be treated through eye drops , medication or surgery .
• Cataracts : A cataract affects vision by clouding the lens of the eye . Chances of cataracts increase greatly with age , with more than half of all Americans either having a cataract or having had cataract surgery by the age of 80 . People in their 40s and 50s can have cataracts , but they are typically small and do not affect vision . Cataracts are detected by blurred vision , faded colors , glare from headlights or lamps , poor night vision , double vision , or frequent prescription changes in eyeglasses or contact lenses . Early detection can improve cataracts through new eyeglasses , anti-glare sunglasses or brighter lighting . Surgery can also be done to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial lens .
• Age-Related Macular Degeneration ( AMD ): One of the common but lesser known eye conditions is AMD . A leading cause of vision loss among people 50 years of age and older , AMD affects the macula , the millions of light-sensing cells that provide your eye with
sharp , central vision . Age is a major risk factor for developing AMD , with most cases occurring after the age of 60 . Genetics , race , and smoking can also affect risk for AMD . A comprehensive eye exam can detect it through dilation and testing . Your eye care professional will look for yellow deposits beneath the retina to determine whether you have AMD . Intermediate and late AMD can be treated with daily intake of vitamins and minerals that can slow the progression of the disease . Therapy and surgery can also be considered for types of advanced neovascular AMD , which typically results in severe vision loss , to stop further progression .
Hearing Loss and Prevention
It is common for hearing loss to occur as you age . According to the Mayo Clinic , about 25 percent of people in the United States between the ages of 55 and 64 have some degree of hearing loss , increasing to one in two people by age 65 and older .
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Low energy ? Gut issues ?
Poor memory ? Difficulty sleeping ? Weight problems ?
Are you striving to control blood pressure , high cholesterol and other chronic issues despite a growing list of medications ?
Have you heard any of these ?:
• You are fine , your test results are normal .
• Your symptoms are due to aging or stress .
• It ' s all in your head .
• You ' ll just have to live with it .
Well , you don ’ t !

Did you know that the human body intentionally and naturally wants to heal itself if given the correct environment ?

My practice is dedicated to doing just that !
My patients say that they :
• Are tired of paternalistic physicians , and physician stand-ins , giving orders rather than professional guidance .
• Are looking for a physician , an expert in medicine , to offer guidance , information , support , and encouragement .
• Are fed up with the 7-minute office visit ending with a prescription as an answer to issues and concerns .
• Crave a personal relationship with an unhurried physician .
• Want to feel healthy rather than “ maintained and sustained .”
You deserve to be treated like an individual .
My name is Dr . Lisa Mainier and I am a double board-certified physician . I practice the progressively vanishing “ Art of Medicine .” I am capable of using experience , education , quality scientific evidence and intellect to guide you to a healthier body and improved quality of life . I am ready to give you the time , respect , and attention you deserve . My job is to listen to your medical concerns and guide you toward your individual wellness goals .
When you are ready to get back to real medicine , contact my office .
DR . LISA MAINIER • SALUS INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE , PC 814.923.4025 • DrLisaMainier . com
My mission is to identify and eliminate barriers that may be obstructing your body ’ s ability to heal .