The Millcreek Township School District strives to offer its
students rigorous and practical courses. The “Surviving and Thriving
Adulthood” course is available to McDowell students (grades 11
and 12) as an elective. This course is designed to create a smooth
transition from high school into the “real world.” Units of study
have been designed to assist students in creating a foundation of
knowledge and skills that will better equip them to handle adult
challenges and obstacles. “I often read or hear that schools don’t
prepare students for their adult life that follows high school. This
course is the perfect example of how our District addresses this
topic,” said Sarah Webb, McDowell teacher. This class is important
as we prepare well rounded individuals to enter the “real world.” At
McDowell, we pride ourselves in our ability to provide academic
opportunities and purposeful learning experiences for our students.
We also want to ensure they are prepared at the highest level possible
for life beyond our classrooms. This class looks at the world in which
we currently live and attempts to provide students with a skills set
to facilitate their successes. We want our students to find success not
only in their secondary educational opportunities, but also in their
everyday lives.
Many of the topics and skills taught in this class are those which are
rarely taught in school settings. Rather than our students learning on
the go, or worse yet after failed attempts, we are preparing them for
the challenges that may arise and suppling them with the skills and
resources to tackle them.
This course is run slightly different than the average high school
class. Students challenge themselves to create ownership of the
learning and guide the topics of discussion based on current trends.
Students apply and practice the content and skill. The teacher
presents the discussion topics, but the students’ responses will guide
the learning process.
• Healthy & Unhealthy
• Issues Affecting Young
• Community Involvement
Here are samples of some of the
units of study and the lessons
that comprise each unit.
Personal & Career Success
Financial Literacy
Family Studies
Adulting 101
In addition to the units outlined in the curriculum, students are
required to read/study the book “The 7 Habits of Effective Teens.”
Chapter by chapter, students are moving through the book learning
about these habits and how to incorporate them into their daily lives.
Students are learning the habits and then immediately being able/
challenged to put them into practice. As a result, students are able
to relate the habits to their own lives and see how making small,
deliberate changes can yield success.
How to:
• Send a thank you (when, why, how)
• Storage of personal data (electronically and
hard copies)
• Create a personal calendar (electronic or
hardcopy per preference)
• Electronic storage options and
consequences (iCloud, Google™ Drive, etc.)
• Warranties
• Manners and social etiquette
• And much, much more!
• Dressing for success
• Time Management
• Study Sills
• Stress Management
• Lifelong Learning: why it’s important and
sample methods to achieve.
• Professional Workplace behaviors
• Need for and benefits of financial security
• Budgets
• Bank Accounts: How to open, manage,
and maintain
• Retirement planning/ awareness of need
• Managing Credit: Understanding credit
scores and cards
• Insurance: Types of insurance available,
understanding terms of policy.
• Buying vs. Leasing
• Spending needs/opportunities of a young
adult: providing own food, outfitting a
dorm/apartment, managing bills