IN Millcreek Winter 2018 | Page 26

Waiver and Release of Liability On behalf of all participants, adults, minors and parents of participating minors in Millcreek Township Recreation and Parks Department programs. On behalf of myself and any of my minor children listed below as applicants, I give permission to attend and participate in the program for which application is attached. I understand that the Recreation and Parks Commission of Millcreek Township, Millcreek Township and the Millcreek Supervisors, and the Millcreek Township School District assume no liability for injury incurred as a result of any participation in any of the various activities of the Recreation and Parks Department of Millcreek Township. On behalf of myself and on behalf of any of my minor children participating hereunder, I agree to release, give up, forego, waive and discharge the Recreation and Parks Commission of Millcreek Township, Millcreek Township and Supervisors, Millcreek Township School District, their officers, representatives, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with any programs being operated by the Recreation and Parks Department of Millcreek Township. The undersigned hereby assumes all risk of injury or damages to the person on behalf of myself and any minors to which I am parent, guardian, or next friend, as any injuries and damages would occur as a result of participation in the programs of the Recreation and Parks Department of Millcreek Township. This document is intended to be a complete and full release, waiver, relinquishment, giving up, foregoing, and discharge of all claims and damages of every kind against the Recreation and Parks Department of Millcreek Township, Millcreek Township and the Millcreek Supervisors, and the Millcreek Township School District which I or my minor children might incur as a result of participation in the programs of the Millcreek Recreation and Parks Commission; and the undersigned does hereby agree to hold the Recreation and Parks Commission of Millcreek PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF MINOR CHILDREN Township, Millcreek Township and Millcreek Supervisors, and the Millcreek Township School District free and clear from all loss and liability of any kind. Furthermore, as parent, guardian, and next friend of any minors hereunder, the undersigned hereby expressly agrees to indemnify and forever hold harmless the Recreation and Parks Commission of Millcreek Township, Millcreek Township and the Millcreek Supervisors, and the Millcreek Township School District against loss or any claims, demands, causes of action that might be brought by any minor or on his/her behalf to defray damages incurred while participating in any programs of the Recreation and Parks Department of Millcreek Township. As parent, guardian, or next friend, I hereby waive all exemption rights under all state laws against any claims for reimbursement or indemnification. ADULT PARTICIPANT Millcreek Township Recreation and Parks BREAKFAST WITH SANTA! Notes and Events 2019 Winter RADIO CONTROL AIRPLANE  INSTRUCTION - FREE! Phone Tom Womack at 512-415-7456 or email Great FREE family fun! NO FEE. Register at MIHS Gym. LOCATION MIHS Gym DAY Fridays DATES 1/4 - 5/17 **No flying 3/30 TIME 7:00 - 10:30 p.m. VETERANS PARK SHELTER AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS! Rental season begins April 1st and ends October 30th. Reservations will be accepted beginning January 2, 2019. For a list of rules and regulations and a copy of our rental agreement, please visit our website at RECREATION NOTES Zuck, Scott and Asbury Main Pavilions will be available for 2019 reservations for Saturdays and Sundays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Reservations begin on January 2, 2019. Asbury Barn reservations for 2019 are also available. Call the Recreation office at 835-4122. 24 MILLCREEK Please join us for a holiday pancake breakfast with crafts and cheer on December 8th from 9am-12 noon at the Asbury Barn, 4106 Asbury Road. The Asbury Barn will be transformed into a festive holiday scene and there will even be an appearance by Santa and Mrs. Claus! A variety of crafts will be offered, suitable for all ages! Also there will be a special holiday performance by our adult dance program! To register for Breakfast with Santa, please fill out the programs registration form, including the names and ages of all guests joining us (both adult and child). Please note Gold Cards will not be eligible for this event. Pricing for Breakfast with Santa will be $5/person. Seating is limited, so please register early!! GOURMET FINGER FOODS Instructor: Mark Coursey Cost: $10 / You must pre-register. Tasty wintertime hors d’oeuvres to share with family and friends during wintertime get-togethers or Super Bowl Sunday. LOCATION DAY DATE TIME Asbury Barn Saturday 1/12 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.