IN Millcreek Winter 2018 | Page 24

2019 Winter Millcreek Recreation and Parks Commission Millcreek Municipal Building 3608 West 26th Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16506-2037 814/835-4122 Click on Departments under Township Links Online Registration is available for all programs at Please check our website for any closings or cancellations; see weather conditions or scheduling conflicts. All classes at Millcreek schools will be cancelled when Millcreek schools are closed due to weather. The Millcreek School Board has made Gold Cards available to all Millcreek residents who are 60 years of age or older. These Gold Card holders are entitled to free admission to all HOME athletic events (except for all District 10 postseason events), to all plays and musical productions in the schools of the Millcreek Township School District (except for McDowell Center for Performing Arts dinner theaters), and also to participate without charge (except for materials used or events noted as special events) in any of the programs sponsored by the Millcreek Township Parks and Recreation Department. (Gold Card information does not apply to Erie Veterans Stadium, Gannon Hammermill Center, and District or Metro meets.) Gold Cards can be obtained from the switchboard of the Millcreek Education Center, 3740 West 26th Street, Erie, Pa., any weekday during the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or from the parks and recreation office in the Millcreek Municipal Building. Gold Card holders must register each season before attending their first class. Registration should be mailed in as soon as possible. Mail-In/Drop Off Directions —Winter 2019 Applicants must complete their registration forms with all necessary information, signed waiver and release of liability (see pages 23-24) and enclosed check (payable to Millcreek Township Supervisors). Registrations will be accepted immediately in order of postmark date. MAIL IN or DROP OFF your completed application to Millcreek Municipal Building c/o the Recreation Department at the above listed address. Once you have MAILED/DROPPED OFF the registration form, you should consider the enrollee accepted for the activity unless otherwise notified. We will make all necessary calls regarding adjustments, etc., as soon as possible. Material lists and class information sheets can be printed from our website – MAIL-IN Registration for Residents of Millcreek Township: This includes families who live in or own property in Millcreek Township. This privilege extends to persons who work in Millcreek Township but not their families. The Waiver and Release of Liability must be signed by adult participants or by a parent or legal guardian on behalf of minors before participation. The Recreation and Parks Commission, Millcreek Township and its supervisors,and the Millcreek Township School District assume no liability for injuries that may be suffered as a result of participation in these activities. If you have read, signed and agree to the Waiver and Release of Liability, fill out the proper registration form. Take care to include all the necessary information(your address and phone number, the class, skill level where applicable, location, etc. on each form). MAIL the completed registration form, signed Waiver and Release of Liability (see pages 23-24) and check or money order payable to Millcreek Township Supervisors. We are sorry, but the volume of registrations and other limitations make it impossible to reserve a particular place for you in a class if you telephone or if the registration requirements are not met when you first MAIL your application. It is important that you give us a phone number where you can be reached during our office hours and also during children’s class times. We will respect the privacy of unlisted numbers except for urgent calls. There will be no refunds unless a class is eliminated or changed by the recreation department, or a medical excuse is presented at the beginning of the program. There will be no refunds due to inclement weather! Visit us on the web at 22 MILLCREEK