Winter Weather
Hazard Simplification:
Millcreek Township Fire and Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) Commission
In January 2017, the Millcreek Township Board of Supervisors
adopted an ordinance to create a Fire and Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) Commission. The Commission was designed to
advise the Millcreek Township Supervisors on funding, staffing,
and operational matters involving the Millcreek Township Fire
Departments and to create a vision for the future of Fire and EMS
services in Millcreek Township. While a Fire & EMS Commission is
not a new concept in Pennsylvania, it is new to Millcreek Township.
Progress is being made by finding the solutions to the
challenges that emergency services and our volunteer fire
20 Millcreek
departments face to ensure that our residents are kept safe.
The Millcreek Township Fire & EMS Commission meetings are
scheduled for the third Thursday of each month in the Millcreek
Township Assembly Room at 7:00pm. All Millcreek Township
Committee and Commission Meetings are open to the general
public. For additional information, please contact Millcreek
Township at 814-833-1111.
Please continue to support your local volunteer fire
departments as their ability to ensure your safety depends on your