IN Millcreek Summer 2018 | Page 28

2018 SUMMER  DAY PROGRAMS DAY CAMP: EXTENDED DAY CAMP: ASBURY BARN 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. ASBURY BARN 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. **NO CAMP 7/4 RATES: Day Camp - $80.00 per week / Non-Resident $100.00 Extended Day Camp - $105.00 per week / Non-Resident : $125.00 Daily Rate - $25.00 per day / Non-Resident : $35.00 AGES: 5-12 LOCATIONS: ASBURY BARN (4106 ASBURY ROAD) DAY CAMP - 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. EXTENDED DAY CAMP - 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. ACTIVITIES FOR CAMPERS: Games, Arts and Crafts, Talent Shows, Festivals, Outdoor Sports and Field Trips. DAY CAMP REGISTRATION: You may register any time prior to the week of camp your child will attend. You may register for any amount of weeks through- out the summer. ASBURY DAY  CAMPS WEEK# DATE WEEK# DATE 1 June 11 – 15 6 July 16 – 20 June 18 – 22 7 July 23 – 27 3 June 25 – 29 8 July 30 – August 3 2 4 July 2 – 6 (no camp 7/4) 9 August 6 – 10 5 July 9 – 13 August 13 – 17 10 Campers should take a lunch each day. Parents will be notified about special lunch days — a beverage will be provided during snack time. Please bring a beverage for lunch. A permission slip will be sent home for all field trips. Parents will be responsible to sign-in for drop-off and pick-up of their children. Please note drop-off and pick-up info.* Please include all information on your registration form: Week # of camp, Location, Regular Day or Extended Day Camp (at Asbury Barn only), Week #, specific days for Daily Rate, and age of children. PLAYCENTER  ACTIVITIES: DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP TIMES: Children can ONLY be dropped off and picked up at these times: LOCATION DROP-OFF PICK-UP Asbury Day Camp Asbury Ext. Camp 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Arts and Crafts: For ages 3 1/2 - 12, child must be 3 by January 2018. Proof of age may be required. Activities run June 11th through August 3rd. Every child must be registered through the office before they can attend. We must have an accurate count for the materials which will be supplied. RESIDENT FEE: $40.00 • NON RESIDENT FEE: $60.00 JS WILSON MIDDLE SCHOOL • 901 WEST 54TH STREET (No class July 4) ACTIVITY AGE DAY ARTS/CRAFTS/STORYTIME 3 1/2 - 5 MON, WEDS, & FRI ARTS & CRAFTS 6 - 8 MON, WEDS, & FRI ARTS & CRAFTS 9 - 12 MON, WEDS, & FRI TIME 10:30 - NOON 9:30 - 10:30 A.M. 9:30 - 10:30 A.M. LOCATION ART ROOM ART ROOM ART ROOM WESTLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL • 4330 WEST LAKE ROAD ACTIVITY AGE DAY ARTS/CRAFTS/STORYTIME ROOM 3 1/2 - 5 TUES, WEDS, & THURS ARTS & CRAFTS ROOM 6 - 8 TUES, WEDS, & THURS ARTS & CRAFTS ROOM 9 - 12 TUES, WEDS, & THURS TIME 1:15 - 2:45 P.M. 12:15 - 1:15 P.M. 12:15 - 1:15 P.M. LOCATION MULTIPURPOSE MULTIPURPOSE MULTIPURPOSE Visit us on the web at 26 MILLCREEK 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.