IN Millcreek Summer 2014 | Page 8

Millcreek Township Building Directory Hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m Main Switchboard 814.833.1111 Supervisors 814.833.1111 Water/Sewer Authorities 814.835.6721 Sewer Revenue 814.835.6721 Millcreek Police 814.833.7777 **non.emergency Letter from the Supervisors OK. Let’s all sing…”We Are The Champions…” . We topped the list of the snowiest U.S. cities (at least through early April). Now there’s an honor we can do without. The snow and bitter cold temperatures extended well into spring, confusing the robins, daffodils and tulips. As the days get longer and warmer, yard-work is actually sounding pretty good. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Millfair Compost and Recycling Center. The hugely popular facility is a joint project between Fairview and Millcreek Townships. It provides a great way to dispose of your leaves and tree tr